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Sorry I left for so long peeps! Its hard to keep with up with everything, especially when you have problems with family, a YouTube channel to deal with, a discord server to tend to, a FNF mod you're working on with a friend, and friends who need the support. BUT I THANK YOU ALL FOR 785 VIEWS ON THIS BOOK ALREADY AND I THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT Y'ALL HAVE GIVEN ME ON THIS STORY!!! YOU PEEPS ARE THE BEST! But anyways, LETS CONTINUE AFTER THIS LONG AWAITED CONTINUATION!!!

Keith's POV

WHAT THE HELL!?!? WE JUST GOT HERE AND THEY'RE ALREADY BUYING SOMETHING!?!? Thank god that M.B gave us practically a couple hundred because we're probably gonna buy at least 1 thing from every shop here... Did I mention Cherry is making ME try things on?

(A few hours later)

Keith: Are we done yet? I'm tired of Cherry having ME try on different things...

Boyfriend: Yeah... no kidding...

Girlfriend: Stop whining you two! We only have a few more shops!

Boyfriend and Keith: Groan*

Cherry: Just pull yourselves together for a while lon-

She feels it too... a presence like the Lemon head had when he was nearby... but we beat him didn't we? No... something isn't right I. No. We know something isn't right... We can't let the others kn-

Boyfriend: You know I can technically hear what you're thinking right?

Fuck. You gotta be joking with me. I forgot we can hear every thought the other thinks... But on the bright side it's a good thing we know the other is there for us.

Boyfriend: Don't worry Keith it can't be that bad! You have us this time remember?

Keith: Yeah but what if-

Boyfriend: Trust me. We'll be fine

Keith: Ok...

A few shops later

Girlfriend: Hey I'm a little hungry... what do you say we find something to eat?

Cherry: Already ahead of you!

Girlfriend's POV

Wow! She read our minds! Donuts for Boyfriend, Cheeseburger for Keith, and a salad for me! She got herself some hotdogs and fries.

We all started eating when suddenly someone with a computer file-like head walked up to us and asked for a rap battle. Boyfriend of course accepted while we decided to continue eating.

(This was later to be known as Ron B-Side but im not gonna do the lyrics for him cuz its hard to do in my opinion)

A few moments later

We continued to walk around the mall when we saw D.B and M.B talking with Santa, who somehow had a shard in his hand. Santa handed thebshard to them and I think they thanked him. I remembered last time i went to a mall around Christmas time my parents assaulted Santa... Either way, Boyfriend had just came back from defeating Rob. (I think I'm starting to hear a pattern here) So now that he's back I think we have our next opponent. Or opponents.

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