Capital 14

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Back in Liam's room he asked again: "What's wrong? You're sure that everything's ok?" "There's something wrong... yes, but I don't want to talk about." "Lill, tell me! Is it... uhm, Miranda?", he asked shy. "Also yes... I think of her every time and then I came out of bath and she's there. Last night, she was there. She is there everytime, EVERYTIME! It's not easy Liam. And then there is another person who annoys me but it has nothing to do with you, so everything's ok." I smiled. "We tell us everything Lill, do you know this from our past? So tell me what's wrong!" "Yes I know it, but... it's about Todd...", I said unclear. "It's about Todd? What did he do? I swear it, this asswhole will see, what he has done. I will beat him to death!", Liam was angry, very angry. "Liam stop it! That doesn't concern you!" "It concerns me Lill! You're my girlfriend and you're afraid of him, so I have to do something!", omg this was cute af but I don't want that he do something that he will regret...

I felt asleep in the arms of my boy, and the next morning as I woke up I saw his perfect, cute face right beside mine. I've tried to went out of bed without making him awake. It doesn't work and his eyes widened as he saw me in my pyjama.
"Come to me", he smiled. "I want to take a look at my phone. It rangs...", as I saw who called and texted me, I was afraid. Liam saw that something was wrong and he asked me what it is. "Uhm... somebody texted me. Uhm..." Liam jumped out of his bed and came to me. Ho looked at my phone and he seemed to be as shocked as me. It was Todd. "Ok,that's enough..."
Before I realised that Liam got dressed, he already stormed out of the room. As I get an idea, what he will do, I ran after him. But as I was outside I just saw his car driving away. I ran back into the house and upstairs to dress myself and drive to Todd's home.

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