The Answer

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Two weeks had passed since I sent the letter to Liam. No answer or reaction, nothing.

*diiiiingdooooong* It rangs.

I walked to the door and opened. The postman had an big packet under his arm and as I saw the big packet I let my head fall down to the floor...

I couldn't undertand how he could forget me. I mean we had such a great time and now? He didn't even replied to my letters. Sad.

What ever, definitely Grace came to me.

"Hiiii, how is it going?" I didn't gave her an answer and just looked at her very sad. She asked: "Whats wrong?" And I explained, that Liam didn't give me an answer and that I'm so frustrated. So she went with me to the new One Direction shop. I didn't want but she didn't listen to reason. So I had to walk with her. As we walked in the shop I saw a person that looked like Zayn Malik but I probably had only imagined this person... so we went on. The new shop was amazing, there was everything of One Direction. Suddendly I was scared. I saw this person again in the shop an he wore a black sweater and the hood was placed over his head as if he didn't want to be recognized. I heart girls screaming and they ran to him. They were screaming: "ZAAAAAAYN OMG ZAAAAAAYN!" And I was like: "Omg, that's not Zayn or? I'm dreaming, didn't I?" When I'm not...

I needed a moment to realise what was happened here. As if that were not enough, he also came up to me. He gave me a paper and went away. I wasn't responsive, I didn't know what I had to do. The girls starred at me like I was an dolphin but I hope I wasn't haha.

I opened the small letter and there stand






"Omg Grace, the text is from Liam! Only I always called him Lee, he can still remember. I'm relieved.'

'Omg Lilly, that's amazing! Ooooh I'm so happy for you. We have to buy you a dress! Let's gooo!'

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