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After my first trip to the Hospital Wing, many things began to change. Professors began giving me less homework, but subtly. Didn't want anyone getting jealous or suspecting something. I tried to do as much work as everyone else, I really did. But there were days when it took everything in me to even make it to class.

My little family constantly fussed. Which was kind of sweet, and very annoying. Raven soon became my favorite companion. She didn't treat me much different, besides making sure I slept and ate. When I asked her about it she simply asked back, "Do you want me to? The way I see it, you've always been sick, you always will be. Fussing won't change it." It was refreshing, honestly. We grew real close that year. Had many discussions about various opinions of things. I often ended up agreeing with her reasoning.

Ern would carry my bag to all of our classes since I never managed to wrestle it away. I was exempt from all flying classes, instead went to spend that class time with Poppy.

It felt almost as if I spent more time there than anywhere else. I went up almost daily for new potions or recipes for potions. I was our group's potion expert and often tried replicating the potions I needed in the common room.

I quickly became an apprentice of sorts to Poppy. I would head to her room for Divination instead of trying to climb that cursed ladder, or all the stairs it took to get there. The only reason I made it to the class the first time is because poor Aaron carried me up. He was late to Transfiguration, but he said it was worth it. I didn't think so.

It soon became that if I wasn't with my friends, in class, or trying to brew something in the common room, I was at the Hospital Wing. Poppy needed all the help she could get. The amount of magical induced injuries was astounding. I think Hermione Granger came in at some point that year, with teeth nearly to her stomach in length. That was the day I got to watch Poppy do the shrinking spell and insisted she taught me.

Three or four times a month Poppy would Floo me to St. Mungo's where they stuck a needle in me, drew, and then pumped blood into me for hours.

It was dull there, but it was where I found my fascination with healing. There, and the Hospital Wing. I decided that if I wasn't about to die, I'd have been a Healer. And those were soon the only classes I bothered attending. I basically dropped History of Magic. Care of Magical Creatures that year was either dangerous or dull, the time I would've spent in that class filled with books about their anatomy. What their different body parts could be used for. Herbology I went full force into, even if Professor Sprout was weary to let me handle Mandrakes or... anything really. Potions was my passion. Though his personality sucked, no one could deny his formulas. I soon found that what he wrote on the board was different from the textbook, and tried to write down the new additions. Aaron taught me a spell that would let the quill write while I worked, so after enchanting one of Scar's pens she gave me, potions became my favorite class.

Charms and Transfiguration were amazing as well. There was something so satisfying about making a dainty teacup out of a dragonfly.

Defense Against the Dark Arts, was... the worst class I ever actually attended. It was required if I ever wanted to be a healer, but the content of the class was frankly, unuseful for my chosen career path. Moody gave me, as Luna would say, a bad energy.

When Cedric Diggory died, I feel horrible saying, it didn't affect me much. There was no difference in routine. People were still injured, and soon it was Poppy watching closely as I healed students. I think a few were uncomfortable at the fact that a thirteen year old was healing them, but that was a "them problem" as Raven would say.

Exams were easy in the classes I studied. Dull in the ones I didn't. I just did my best and left it at that.

The moment summer started, I couldn't wait for it to be over.

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