I missed

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Discord : the next one is title I missed and it features team rainbow again


Zero- old man

Buck- Arin

Mozzie- Dan

we open to zero in a cowboy outfit at a forest inside of a comic book shooting at a target

Ruby: cool this takes place in a comic book awesome

Mozzie : then I fired and missed then I fired and fired I missed I missed both time then I fired and missed this went on for several hours then I fired and missed

thermite : holy shit your a bad shot in this Sam
Zero: it appears I am

Buck:I run out of bullets then I got sad I had a popsicle then I passed out in the snow

Everyone : chuckles at zero passing out

Mozzie : and then I woke up then I reloaded I fired and missed

Buck: I missed Again I fired I hit something but it wasn't what I was going for so I guess missed I passed out again

Pryhaa : why do you keep passing out

Mozzie : had another popsicle

Most of everyone is dieing laughing with the onscreen mozzie and buck laughing

Buck: I had a dream I was firing at something but I missed
* now we see zero reaching in the fridge and pulling out a cabbage he goes to put it back but he drops it on the floor *
Mozzie oh I reached into the fridge for another popsicle I missed I got the cabbage I put it back but I missed I drop it on the floor

Weiss: you dolt how do you fail to put a cabbage back into a fridge

Mozzie : long story short MISSED

Discord: I know most enjoyed that but it is late so all of you need to sleep so follow me so I can take you to your rooms

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