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-He loves painting ur nails and he loves you painting his nails
-He plays guitar but he only plays it for you
-He loves getting cuddles rather than cuddling you
-Hes the sweetest towards his mom
-He knows how to cook really well
-Hes good with kids
-He will buy you a lot of gifts for no reason
-He knows what ur favorite food is
so anytime you say ur not hungry he still gets it anyways
-He wears ur clothes but he stretches them out
-He trys his best to make you feel comfortable and safe around him
-He respects all ur boundaries and makes sure ur okay with certain things
-He loves giving and receiving kisses on the cheek
-He loves having pillow fights with you
-if you say you want something from a store he will buy it no matter what even if he cannot afford it
-He loves giving you hugs from behind
-Hes the one who gets scared during scary movies so he holds ur hand
-Hes rarely on his phone (if it was year 2021)
-He puts you first
-He cleans for you in case ur unmotivated
-He makes sure you eat every single day no matter what
-He will buy you clothes even if you didn't ask for them
-He let's you borrow his clothes
-If you guys don't live together he will mail things to you almost every single day
-He will randomly say i love you
-He has a side to him that only you know about (if you know you know)
-He loves kissing in the rain
-He loves going on picnic dates
-Anytime he sees a dog in public his soft side shows
-He automatically knows when ur uncomfortable in a situation so he will try his
best to protect you
-He calls you every night and every morning to ask what ur doing
-He sends random voice messages through out the day
-He will send you 10839328 photos everyday😭
-He loves going to the park with you
-He will take you out on random car rides at 3am
-He plans dates for you guys unexpectedly
-He gets you ur favorite flowers
-He smells amazing
-He gives the best hugs
-He loves to lay his head down on you thighs
-He loves when you sit on his lap
-He let's you play with his hair, Braids, Ponytails, etc.
-If ur laying down he will start playing with ur hair
-He knows how to braid really well
-He will sing u little songs with a lot of meanings
-He loves blasting music
-He sings songs with you even if he doesn't have the best singing voice
-His room is messy but in a clean way if that makes sense
-He has a really big ring collection
-His rings are really cold but they feel nice
-His counter is stained with nail polish

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