That's where it began

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"Gulf, don't be stupid. Do you think it's that simple? Let me tell you, it isn't. Love is never that simple. I like him and he likes me so we date. Do you really think it goes like that in real life? " Mild snorted at his best friend's naivety.

"Why isn't it that simple? People needlessly make it complicated. You don't need to dramatize everything. When I fall in love, it is going to be that simple. " Gulf claimed confidently.

"We will see when the time comes. "

Gulf looked at time and realized he was running late. He had few assignments to finish for work.

"Whatever, I'm leaving. Have to finish some work. See you later."

These days Gulf had been feeling down. He has been withdrawn and nobody has even noticed it. That tells you about the people in his life. He had never been good at communicating and at times he hardly has any wish to be understood. He has never been in relationship. He wonders what it must be like to love someone and have all their attention. No one has ever paid attention to him and soon he had learnt to blend in background.

He wants to fall in love just like they do in books. He wants to be loved and cherished and he wants to take care of them. He has never dated because he was gay. It's not that easy to find someone of his own sexual orientation without risking ostracism. He had gone on few dates but it never worked out. His parents had not known that when they were alive and he never got chance to tell them about his sexuality. They died in a car accident when he was in college. After that Gulf withdrew himself from the world. He had only one friend, Mild. They had met on the first day of college and had hit off immediately.

He wasn't looking for a prince charming or fairytale kinda love story. He just wanted genuine one with someone who would see Gulf for who he is and love him for the same. If Gulf looked at himself objectively, he would admit he was good looking but even his good looks hadn't attracted people around him because his silence kinda dampened the mood. One word that would perfectly describe him was, boring. He didn't have anything exciting going on his life and he doubted there ever would be anything like that.

He worked all day and then he would go home and sleep. That's all there was to his daily life. He hardly had anything even remotely resembling a social life, he wouldn't go to reunions or parties, he usually stayed inside his shell just occasionally peeking out. There was only one person who got his attention like no one else, Mew Suppasit. He had known him for a long time and still he felt that same surge of excitement whenever Mew was near him. It was embarrassing to be so shaken by a man whom he had known for almost half of his life.

Maybe it started when they first met or when Mew saved him from bullies or when they shared lunch? He couldn't remember but he fell for him piece by piece in every interaction. Mew had been cute in high school but now he was nothing short of handsome and if his conscience allowed, he would say sexy as well. Watching Mew grow up to be who he was right now had been a bittersweet experience. Obviously he was thrilled to have been a part of Mew's life for a long time even if he was always in the background.

Rich didn't even begin to describe the wealth Mew's family owned. They were definition of power and it could be seen in everything Mew did. He was quite young to be managing such a big corporation but he was just that capable and perfect for the role. Gulf had met Mew's parents when they were in high school and Gulf had to take him to his house, mansion would be a better word, because he had hurt himself riding a bike. Mew had insane love for bikes which worried his mother to no extent that's why she had implored Gulf to keep an eye on him.

The Suppasits were the sweetest couple he had ever seen. College sweetheart who got married and had been together for so long with their love thriving with the same intensity. He envied them a lot and at same time respected them too. Maybe he could find someone like that too. The more Gulf got involved in Mew's life, more he fell for him. Mew was neither obnoxious nor kind. He was somewhere in between. He didn't flaunt his power neither did he hide it. He just set things to his own pace and let people make whatever perception they wanted to.

But there were times when Mew gave Gulf false hope. Even that was done unknowingly so he didn't really know whom to get angry at. Their friendship was a strong one albeit not that close. Mew had a different set of friend circle in which Gulf obviously didn't fit in so he stayed away from Mew in social settings mostly. Weeks would go by without a word between them and then there were days when they'll talk for hours. These crumbs kept Gulf dreaming and hoping. But now he was out of his fantasy land and wanted to actually date someone for once because Mew had started dating Lhong. Maybe it would help him forget Mew and move on.

He had tried to go on a date few times but it was all lukewarm or you could say just not to his taste. He couldn't get into people he met no matter how much he tried. He would keep comparing them to Mew or he would just find them too similar or too dissimilar, it was all a big paradox for him. Dating seemed hard and exhausting, maybe when he genuinely fell for someone it would be easy. They would just instantly click and it would be smooth sailing from there. They would just know how to build the love between them and it would stand strong.

Whispers of Regret: The Price of Misunderstanding (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now