He Did What?

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When Mew reached the condo, he saw Lhong sitting on floor with his head resting on his knees. He looked so small, like every ounce of energy had been drained out of his body. He quickly kneeled in front of Lhong, pulling him into a hug.

"Babe, what's wrong? Did he hurt you? Tell me. " He ran his hand on Lhong's back trying his best to assure him that everything would be okay.

Lhong sniffled, "I'm fine, Mew. He just grabbed me suddenly so I was shocked. He was being cruel to me. What have I ever done to him?"

Mew bit his lips feeling helpless, "Ohh, Lhong. I'm worried about you. This must be excruciatingly painful for you. Do you need any professional help? Maybe counseling would help you a bit. "

"No Mew. I don't want to go. Please." He quickly diverted the conversation.

"Babe, you don't have to request. You can tell me whatever you want. I'll make it happen. Are you sure you aren't hurt anywhere?" Mew looked over his body to check for any injuries.

"I'm okay. Mew, h-he..... I... It's j-just. Nothing." He mumbled softly making Mew alert.

"Lhong, speak."

Lhong sighed, as if he had no other choice than to tell the truth, "Gulf threatened me. He said he won't let me be in peace. I'm scared, Mew." He squeezed out few years to make it all more believable.

Mew had hard time putting a handle on his rage. His baby had gone through such traumatic experience and was being threatened on top of it. "That jerk. He needs to be punished."

"Mew, can you do something for me?"

"Yes, tell me. " He readily agreed.

"Get him married to Alex Dragford."

Mew was stunned. That was quite an unusual request. He didn't expect to hear that. Marriage? To Alex? Why?

"Lhong, why?  What would that accomplish?" Mew voiced out his confusion.

Taking that as an opportunity, Lhong leapt into take of lies and deception he had woven, "Gulf did the same thing to Alex but he wasn't lucky enough to be saved like I was."

"WHAT? Are you sure? I- why.....I don't think that could have happened. I mean Gulf is hardly a match for Alex. He is stronger than Gulf."

"Babe, do you think physical size is all that matters? You know it's not all about physical strength." He added a wince to seal the deal.

"You are right but Gulf wouldn't do that. Maybe there is some misunderstanding. "

"Everyone knew Alex had crush on Gulf but Gulf never reciprocated. You remember that party we went to in February? That's where it happened. Alex was drunk out of his mind so Gulf took advantage of him and when he asked them to get in relationship Gulf refused and left him." Lhong gave the finishing touch his story.

"Are you sure? Maybe it was just one night stand. It could have been mutual. Maybe Alex is being clingy. You know he doesn't have that great of a reputation when it comes to dating. "

"Alex is my best friend. I know him better than anyone. It is all rumor. You know how people try to bring  down successful people. He's rich and capable businessman so obviously there will people jealous of him. Mew, remember how people spread fake rumors about you? That could happen to anyone."

"Yeah, you are right bu-"

"Mew, don't you think Gulf should take responsibility for what he did? Maybe he thinks he can get away with anything. He tramples on people like it's nothing. First Alex then me, just think how many more people he will mess with."

"Why didn't Alex report it?"

"He loves Gulf. You know that. He doesn't want to hurt him. When he heard what happened to me he was shocked. "

"I think reporting him is the best solution. Let law handle him."

"Babe, please. Let's do it this way. There is hardly any evidence. Except for our words, we have no witness to support our claim. At most he will get a slap on wrist and then he will be free to do whatever he wants. Let Alex marry him. Alex will take him away from here and Alex really loves him so I'm sure he will be able to handle him. "

"That's going to be complicated, Lhong. I mean it's too big of a deal. I can't make people marry-"

"For me, please."

"Babe, it's not about me not wanting to do anything for you. It's just out of my control."

Lhong looked away, "Just like saving me was out of your control?"

Mew winced at the accusation, "Babe-"

"You know if you weren't friends with him, this would have never happened. I wouldn't have been molested like that."


"Yet I never once blamed you because I love you so much. Yet you refuse to make the culprit pay for his crimes. Is it because he's your friend? Do you still consider him part of your life? Is he still important to you?"

"No, of course not. He's nothing to me."

"Then why? Why are you taking his side?"

"I would never." Mew tried to reason with Lhong.

"Then please. Do something. I hate being like this because of that man. It's suffocating to be living like this, in fear and self loathing." Lhong pleaded desperately.

Mew couldn't watch his love suffer like this, "Okay, I'll see what I can do."

"I love you babe. You are the best." Lhong hugged him tightly.

Mew still had trouble digesting all the facts but he knew Lhong wouldn't lie to him. What would Lhong even gain from lying. As matter of fact he had already seen how despicable Gulf could be. He was going to make sure Gulf stayed the hell away from them. He needed to do a little bit of background check and gets his facts straight to come up with a plan. He needed to plan out his course of action very thoroughly.

Whispers of Regret: The Price of Misunderstanding (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now