Chapter Ten - Sam

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The pickup rumbled down the farm lane, I didn't have a plan as such other than to find more supplies after Luke took everything I had.

There was a town with a larger supermarket, but that just meant more people, it was probably a bad idea on reflection, I checked the fuel gauge and I had half a tank

After 10 minutes driving down the farm lane I slowed down a little, there was our neighbouring farm, Janice and Keith, they were humans but I knew them, we got on alright, maybe I should stop by, theirs was the only other farm down this lane before I got back to the village, and I knew there were zombies in the town.

My mind raced back to the house in the village where the man would rather leave me to die in the streets than let me in the house.

Farmers were often armed though.

But I knew them, I told myself, if I can't trust people I know I really am doomed.

I turned up the lane towards Janice & Keith's farm, a little wooded sign read 'Clover farm' with a chalk board reading 'fresh eggs for sale'

They were predominantly poultry farmers and had hundreds of geese they bought up for Christmas and chickens throughout the remainder of the year, there was no money in turkeys apparently, Janice used to have ago at people buying discount turkeys from caged farms all the time, said it was ruining the industry.

She wasn't wrong, the supermarkets would drive down our lamb prices year after year, you could make more money by selling the land to build houses on it, or store caravans than farm meat.

Luckily, we only had a small farm so we could sell locally, high welfare meats but they came at a price which thankfully most were willing to pay.

We didn't make loads of money, just enough to get by, I knew the price of a chicken, how much feed it needed, the 6 months of work required to look after them, clean them out.

And the supermarkets were undercutting us charging £4.50 for a whole chicken, a chicken that had spent its life in a cage for 6 weeks rather than months and force-fed growth hormones to ensure they still made a profit.

My mind was getting back to ranting about farming, which was a welcome relief in some ways it was almost back to normality, but as I drove up the lane, I saw the red pick up


I stopped the truck on the next bend, blocking their escape route, my heart started pounding in my chest, I could feel the adrenaline building.

Fuck farming, and fuck you Luke

It had only been a day, but I had changed, I was getting my stuff back.

I crouched in the opposite field jogging through the long yellowing grass towards the house and yard, the farmhouse was as old as ours a stone one and half storey house with slate roof, the chimney on top billowing a heat haze and some smoke from a fire that was currently going.

The yard had a few barns for equipment and transport trailers for the poultry, the main chicken and geese sheds where up in the field and even though they were quite far away they were noisy.

Geese were the worse, honking away, but it must have muffled the sound of my truck, I had surprise on my side.

Old farmhouses were terribly lit with natural light, the windows were tiny, and there was only often one per room nestled into a 3ft thick stone wall, the interiors usually dark and you needed the lights on during the day.

If they were inside, I would be difficult to spot approaching the farm, the more I thought about it and the way people were turning on each other, I needed to find a safehouse, one where I could see enemies approaching easily and also one with an escape route.

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