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It has been 3 years till now everything was going well.. the baby boy was named as RONIT..
In 21 dec AK planned a suprise for TK .... she wore the yellow colour saree ( tk fav color)with a backless blouse..and WAS looking tempting...
As Tk entered the room he saw the room decorated with rose and a card of wishing the birthday was there.. AK came and stood before TK and looked into his eyes. They were filled with love, lust, desire, and she knew her eyes reflected the same. TK brought his hands towards her waist. AK eyes closed as he touched her skin.He pulled her towards himself and moved his hands around her waist, not touching but feeling her.

"THANK YOU ASHI FOR THIS BDAY SUPRISE " He whispered, as he moved the hair away from her neck. "This is the best gift ever."

He brought his face down to her neck and nuzzled it. He inhaled deeply, filling his mind with her smell. AK tilted her head to give him better access and he continued to kiss her.

She gasped when he bit gently grazed her soft spot with teeth before starting to suck her skin.

"TANZEELLLL..." She moaned, as her breathing got labored. Her voices encouraged him as he trailed his kisses down towards her chest. The deep cut of the blouse allowed him to get maximum access to her breasts.He nuzzled his face between them. AK 's hands clutched his hair tightly as he bit at her sensitive flesh. He gently kissed and licked the skin to sooth her pain.

He continued to trail kisses on her skin as he brought his face back up.He kissed her chin before softly brushing his lips with hers. He held her gaze for a moment, then touched their lips together and started kissing her. Their lips moved together in sync as they tried to convey all their passion. TK hand clutched AK hair as he deepened the kiss. His tongue grazed her lips and she all too willingly opened them. Both moaned as their tongues met, stroking each other.

All too soon, TK pulled back and touched their foreheads together, both panting heavily. AK locked gaze with TK and started to walk backwards, towards their bed. TK grabbed her pallu as she stepped back, but AK quickly held it before he could take it off completely, never once stopping in her track. TK smiled mischievously as he pulled at it, but AK refused to let go. She smirked challengingly at him. Clutching it in hands, TK started to move towards her. As soon as she put another step back, TK rushed forward and grabbed her by her waist. He snatched the pallu away from her hand and kissed her revealed shoulder. He continued to remove her saree, not forgetting to place kisses on her skin at every opportunity.

He picked her up by her waist, and laid her down on their bed and moved above her. Never breaking their gaze, he bent his head to kiss on top of her breast, right where her nipple was. AK moaned as she felt his lips through her blouse. TK did the same with her other breast. He then turned her around, and opened the knot at the back of her neck and kissed her there.He then continued to move his mouth down then stopped just above the last knot.He slowly pulled it open and moved his hand across her now bare back. AK turned her head towards the side as a moan escaped her lips.

After kissing every inch of her back, TK turned her around and opened her petticoat before taking it off. He sat up and stared at his half-naked wife. He grabbed hold of her blouse, which was just laying on top her breasts, and pulled it away. He hungrily brought his face down on her breast, while his hand started massing her other one. AK clutched his hair as his lips licked her nipples. Her moans got louder as he sucked, bit, twisted and pulled at them. She arched her back and pushed her chest more towards his face.

TK continued to play with her breasts, but then AK suddenly grabbed him by his shoulders and pushed him on his back. She climbed on top of him and bent her head down to kiss his neck. Her hands started to unbutton his shirt. She kissed down his chest as she continued to unbutton his shirt, and pulled it off. TK growled as she gently tugged at the hair trailing down his navel with her teeth. She moved her hands down to his crotch and stared at his face as she massaged it. TK breathing picked pace as he moaned a sound that made AK wet all over again. He clutched her hands and pulled her up towards his face. He stared at her as he moved his thumb gently across her lips. AK opened them and took his thumb in. TK watched as she closed her eyes and continued to suck his thumb.

He rolled them over and kissed her before unbuckling pants and taking them off. He removed both of their under wears. He continued to kiss her and trailed his hands down and touched her, to find her completely wet for him. AK moaned his name as TK continued to stroke her most sensitive area.Unable to control himself anymore, he placed himself at her opening. Both moaned as he entered her. He moved inside her, slowly at first then picked his pace. AK continued to scream his name as TK thrusted into her. He could feel as they got closer to their climax and thrusted into her one last time as both came together.....
after their love making session they both slept cuddling up...

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