The Devil Within

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when Chris asked me for the coin for the view finder. I knew I had given him a good excuse to stick around for a little while. I tossed him the coin and he caught it. We both put out coins in the viewers and then I felt the familiar rush around me pulling me back to the mortal world. It's not fun being an angel. The ones frolicking in the meadow have no idea what lurks underneath them. They, in a way are always in a 20/40 vision mindset. Everything is soft around the edges. I'm content being different from them. I felt the pain from that evil beast in the pit

I wasn't always an angel. My grandfather, a high angel, which meant he had lived a model life, save me from the pit in exchange for his immortality on the Angel Council. I wish I could've had more time with him. Even in his first life I didn't know him well but, even angels die after a while. I decided to focus in on Chris' situation. Being and angel of both the light and the darkness I could see both his aspects inside of him, good and evil. The light inside of him was losing the war between the it and the dark. I had to act quickly. I turned to him and we were not in his flat anymore. We were going to see what became of Dan after Chris's death.


When the room stopped spinning I looked around to see that we were in Dan and Phil's flat. I walked around as Thalia let me do so this time. I went to see Phil's room when an invisible boundary stopped me.

"Not in this vision," Thalia said flatly.

I walked through the kitchen and saw a calendar opened up. Each day was marked if it had passed. I looked at that days date and saw it was exactly two months after my death. If I wasn't here for Phil, then all who was left here has Dan. I burst into his room. When I looked at him he was in his laptop just looking at pictures of all four of us. I looked at his arms and saw four initials carved into his right arm: CDPPJ. Our initials, chris, Dan, Phil, and PJ. It was completely gruesome. Around the initials were lines horizontal vertical and diagonal. I gave him a hug which, of course, he didn't feel. I started crying and sniffling and Thalia changed the scene.

We were in a pub with thick smokey air. Dan was seated alone just drinking. He got up to leave and the scene fast forwarded to show how many times he went in and out. Every time he passed us by you could see another cut. Eventually they spread to both arms. After that I couldn't tell where he would put them.

Thalia turned to me the bottom of the white jeans she was wearing were startling to turn black. She shook her head and the black retreated back into her black combat boots. She waved a hand and the pub changed into dan and Phil's flat. They were in the midst of a fight.

"Get help dan. I miss him he was our friend but he's gone sitting in your room on your laptop slitting yourself open wont solve anything!" It was Phil "I don't cut Phil you know that," Dan said. Phil, you could see the fire melting his ice cold eyes. He ran over to Dan and pushed up his sleeves and then the bottom of his shirt to reveal hundreds of cuts, some thin and long, some short and thick. Phil was most likely expecting less by the way he let out a tiny gasp, but he didn't break down. Instead he yelled at Dan again. "Do you see yourself! Get help or move out but don't come back before your clean," his last sentence was more of a whisper but Dan still heard him. He grabbed his coat, phone, and wallet then stormed out of their flat. The scene changed and we following Dan. Thalia stopped a second and said to me:

"You won't want to see this but, Dan starts drinking more. Then getting odd jobs to pay for a drink. He'll cut with whatever he can find now. Two months from this day he was sleeping on the streets and he cut himself a little too deep. When they found him his blanket was glued to his arms and stomach and he was almost frozen solid," Thalia's eyes looked like hey were about to go on fire. She started screaming at me, 'IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT CHRIS!"As she was yelling this, her eyes got flecks of black in the fire that was there. when she was done talking her pants were entirely black and her eyes were dark. She blinked a few times and her eyes went back to blue and her clothes were white again.

"I'm sorry but you're infuriating." She said to me. I laughed it off nervously. We were back on the deck when Thalia looked at me seriously.

"Are you convinced yet, Chris?" She pleaded. I was just about to respond when I felt a pull in my gut and as I was about to respond it felt like someone was speaking through me.

"Not likely, Thalia," it said. She stared at me blankly then her face filled with rage. Her eyes turned black again and all she had to say was:

"Fine. But I think you'd like to know what happened to PJ then," she spat. Turning on her heel she went over to the view finder and slid another gold coin in. I guess this was their currency here. I went over looked through the eye holes and was sucked into a whole other world. No doubt worse than the last.


It's a little shorter than usual but hey two updates in one day? That's a record. Tell me what you think.


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