Chapter Twelve - Sam

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My bag they stole was sat on the kitchen table, so was the gun, Gerry was still banging at the door as I checked the shotgun chamber, two cartridges remained seated in place.

I swiftly opened the door aiming the gun and letting both barrels off into Gerry as he lunged forward, I wasn't taking any chances as his headless carcass fell to my feet, blood spraying the kitchen walls and myself, meanwhile crows flew off in the distance from the gunshot echo as I squinted trying to rub the blood splats from my face.

dragging Gerry's carcass outside I decided to put it with Keith and Janice, I wanted the door clear and the zombies would just attract flies like rotting sheep carcasses in the fields would do.

I noticed the sun was setting and it was about to get dark, I didn't want to be out in the dark, not with those things anyway.

I murdered Luke in cold blood

I was ashamed, I should never have come here, but I did it to survive, he would have shot me given the chance, he said as much.

I tired to convince myself it was the right thing to do, but I wasn't sure anymore.

Turning the taps to see if there was water soon took my mind off it, maybe this farm was fed from a water tower, I ran upstairs immediately to try the shower, perhaps I could wash this blood of my fur.

The water cascaded down, and it got warm... Oil heating system, they had an oil tank like us, maybe a farm wasn't such a bad place to be after all.

It's the people I'm scared of though, they will sneak up and try to take what I have.

I can't stay awake forever I would have to sleep sometime, that's when I was my most vulnerable.

I ditched my clothes into the corner of the shower scrubbing the blood stains from them as I showered.

My fur was tangled in congealed blood, it was a mixture now, there had been so many deaths I didn't know who it belonged to anymore and I was almost numb to the stain.

I used the shower gel I found in the shower and washed myself clean, wringing my clothes out from the excess water before wrapping myself in a towel to dry.

Walking back downstairs, down the narrow staircase, clothes in hand, entering the small living room to the right it was now dark due to the lack of sunlight and the power was off.

It was night-time

The room was lit gently up by the flickering fire, it's orange glow making the room dance with shadows, I drew the curtains to stop the light emitting out the windows and hung my clothes above the fire to dry.

There were some more logs by the fireplace, and I stacked them up high on the fire to get the room warm and toasty, after all I was only wearing a towel.

I clutched the gun close to me and carried it into the kitchen, it was always going to be at my side, I promised myself.

The cooker was unfortunately electric, but I found a pan and filled it with water dropping some pasta into it.

In the fridge was some minced lamb and I quickly got that into a frying pan, carrying my spoils into the living room.

Making a makeshift hob from some other metal pans and a metal welly rack I found by the door to sit my frying pan and pan of pasta on, it was a Heath Robinson affair but it worked.

I wished I had my phone on me but in all the confusion and haste, it was still sat in my bedroom most likely; I had no way of charging it anyway so it would be useless.

The frying pan slowly sizzled and the pasta boiled, steam rose from my clothes hanging over the roaring fire, I sat back in the wingback chair sticking my feet up on the footstool, my nakedness absorbing the heat from the fire, the shotgun lay across my lap, a box of cartridges on the drinks stand next to me, it was a surreal sight.

The food took a lot longer than expected to cook, but when it was ready I gorged myself on it all, it was the only meal I had eaten today and I savoured it all, there must have been enough for two people but I ate it all because I needed it.

It was flavourless without any sauces, but it was good enough.

I stole a blanket from the upstairs bedroom and make a makeshift bed on the sofa, I had to sleep at some point, this was probably the first time it hit me, I was alone.

I wish I had someone... anyone to help me survive.

what if one of those things comes in at night, what if a group of survivors take the farm while I'm asleep.

I didn't have anyone.

Everyone I cared about was dead.

I questioned my life choices, I wished id moved to the city when my friends did, perhaps we wouldn't have lost touch, perhaps we would have lived together and survived together in this.

We kept in touch for the first few months but they visited less, they made new friends and I was always busy with the farm, after the 2nd year I never saw them again, I just saw their lives unfold on Facebook, I saw all the fun they had, I mean I liked the farm but it was a burden.

Perhaps I would have met someone, in the city.

My life felt meaningless and pointless, what was the point in going on, to survive alone another day.

My mind went to a dark place, I could end it

I had the power to stop it.

I shook my head disgusted at the thought, I had to survive, I didn't know why, but I had to survive.

My ears pricked up listening for anything outside, the geese had gone quiet most likely taking themselves to bed for the night, the night was silent.

I wish I could sleep with one eye open I thought as a million and one thoughts entered my head, I was so tired but they raced around none the less.

My sisters zombie face appeared again and i clutched the only photo I had close, it was the only way I could get to sleep.


Morning came and I stretched my arms out from the cramped-up sofa, the fire now only smoking slightly and smouldering away.

I made it through the night.

I threw my cover off me exposing my nakedness to the room around me, checking my clothes which were now nice and dry, even if they had a little smell of smoke about them, I put them on anyway.

They were better than the blood-stained unclean version I had yesterday.

I took a stock take of my situation shotgun dutifully following me around the farm house, I could survive here for a week I think before the supplies started to run low, I could board up the windows with a little viewing slots and defend the single entrance easily.

I'd let the savage gangs form in the towns, let them kill each other and the zombies will eventually finish the rest of them, it will be quieter, there will be less zombies and less people to deal with, I can mop up the supplies people leave from there on out, there really was no need to panic.

This could work

It was safer than going outside, and I could always eat the geese.

Speaking of which... they're awfully quiet this morning...

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