Chapter Thirteen - Joshua

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I climbed back up the embankment with my new water supply coming back to the bike, stopping in my tracks when I saw two people in the street arguing, two women arguing with a fur man carrying  a large black backpack.

The women held a gun out to the man who had his hands up, ducking behind the bridge wall I wondered what I could do, their distant shouts echoing down the road for all to hear.

"give me you stuff, or I'll shoot" the women screamed "just drop the bag you filthy fur" the other women instructed "go on just shoot him Karen" the lady with the black hair called to Karen with the gun

"I don't want any trouble, please" the fur said slowly sliding the backpack off, the other lady with black hair grabbed the gun in a tussle and it went off dropping the fur to the ground

"what the actual fuck Glinda, he was giving it to us"

"he's a fucking fur Karen, fuck them, get the bag"

"Glinda its murder" she shrieked

The fur clutched his stomach on the ground as I covered my mouth with my hand, Glinda ripped the bag from him, searching through its contents

"there's fuck all in here Karen this was a waste of time"

"you shot him for nothing, Glinda, we can't leave him"

"he's a filthy fucking fur, come on"

Glinda pulled at Karen's arm urging her to leave and they continued arguing shoving each other, Glinda insisting Karen gave her the gun, but Karen was refusing

The fur got to his feet awkwardly, his limbs snapping into place before diving on Glinda, planting his muzzle in her neck as blood spurted out, Karen screamed shooting the fur which now focused its attention on her, chasing her down the road, she shot some more rounds but it didn't stop the fur.

You have to get them in the head

The fur was faster than the human zombies and it caught in her in no time, dragging her to the floor in blood curdling growls and screams coming from the her, she was now food for those things.

I stood by watching in horror, frozen to the spot, why were people turning on each other?

And how did the fur change into a zombie, maybe he was already bitten.


He's seen me

I sprinted across the road fumbling for the pistol, I fired but he was too far away, I didn't know what part of him I hit, I fired again and again but he still came, his jaws snapping together growling at me

He was fast, I should have just fucking got in the bike, regretting my decision I forced all my strength into my legs willing them to run faster.

I ran up the street where a few restaurants were on the side, a fancy burger joint had the door open and I dashed up the steps running inside, I tried to fling the door closed behind me but he was there right at snapping my heels.

Pulling the chairs across behind me , I hoped to slow him down as I dashed thought the restaurant, the furzombie crashing into the chairs and upturning the wooden tables putting a few precious meters between us as I crashed through the doors to the kitchen shortly followed by the furzombie, growling savagely at me black bile exiting its muzzle.

I made a beeline for the fire exit pressing the bar on the exit I wasn't expecting a staircase the other side and tripped over crashing to the floor putting a gash in my arm the furzombie ignored the stairs and crashed down much the same but unable or unwilling to break its fall its shoulder cracked against the pavement a bone sticking out from its t-shirt

It had no effect on the furzombie it lumbered to its feet as I got to mine chasing me down the alley way

I pulled a big blue waste bin on wheels into its path slowing down only a little as it collided with it before regaining its stance.

I fired another shot trying to aim at its head but I hit his jaw instead, the lower part of his flesh on his muzzle fell off exposing just the bone as it continued to snap what was left of its jaws at me and chase me through the alleyway.

Pulling the trigger again I had it this time surely, but as I squeezed the gun just clicked

I was out of bullets; I threw the gun at him in frustration

Fuck I might have needed that

The alleyway ended and I turned up the street again back to the shops and restaurants, I raced up some steps and into a newsagents, the shelves stripped bare and part of shelving lay discarded on the floor, I pulled the latch on the glass door as I backed slowly away from it.

Please hold please hold...

The furzombie came crashing through the glass as it shattered into a thousand pieces colliding with the empty grey metal shelving in a heap on the floor, I grabbed a metal rod which formed part of the shelving and held it out in front of me as the furzombie tackled me to the floor, its black bile and blood spilling on me as I held the bar against its neck keeping the snapping jaws away from me

He was strong, much stronger than the other furzombie the man had shot for me.

I used all my might and forced the furzombie onto his back, keeping the bar in place, his paws clawed at me trying to grab me as I forced the metal rod down on his neck, I grabbed a hefty metal bracket from the floor while holding the rod with my knee and I kept bashing the bracket into the furs head.

I cried out in anger and shear frustration as I did so again and again, the metal bracket contacting the furs head spraying blood all over the shop and all over me.

The growling ceased and I staggered to my feet breathless with my chest rising and my teeth gritted.

Fuck that was close...

My clothes were wet and dripping red, I staggered behind the cash register which had been emptied surveying my surroundings, the whole shop had been ransacked, the only things remaining were the greeting cards and magazines.

My feet kicked something soft on the floor and it was a dead body, the shop keeper in a one stop uniform shot in the head, I could see a tag hanging out his jeans pocket and I pulled it out revealing a set of car keys and some keys to the shop I presumed.

This guy had a car... it must be close.

The roads were clearer than when I was in the heart of the city, I could get to my mums tonight if it had fuel.

There was no back door to the shop, it was a mistake to have even come in there, I was lucky to be alive, clicking the car keys I desperately looked for some indicators flashing indicating which car it was, but I couldn't see anything.

It was a Ford key, I was looking for a Ford

I remembered seeing cars in the back alley so I made my way back there, clicking frantically before another zombie might find me.

A blue ford fiesta flashed its indicators at me and i sprinted towards it, opening the driver's door.

I flung the bow and my bag into the passenger seat and closed the door behind me locking the doors, I frantically turned the key and the car burst into life, there was petrol in it but only a small amount, it might get me there though..

Furzombie - a gay furry zombie apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now