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The party was buzzing with full zeel with teenagers reeking alcohol

He looked at the door impatiently waiting for her

Siddharth couldn't believe that she is now his .. his girlfriend .. the thought itself was heartwarming

He could still feel her soft lips on his rough ones the way she fitted in his arms made him feel all giddy

You look constipated, remarked eyhan making Sid roll his eyes

I am anxious .. he mumbled

Why? Eyhan raised an eyebrow

Sid turned to his bestfriend with his own frown

First you tell me , what were you doing with nyla that night? Wernt you there to meet a blonde? Eyhan cursed him for being so sharp

I was helping her .. he shrugged making Sid raise an eyebrow making him groan

What? The girl was drunk and I am a human who helped another human now  calm ur fucking shits ... Sid just shake his head

You have lost it brother ... Officially he smirked making eyhan scowl at his bestfriend


The girls entered the party and naaz cringed making a face

Nyla chuckled beside her amused at her making her groan

I am going to personally stab yoh ny .. for bringing me here .. she hissed at her roomate who just rolled her eyes

She spotted siddharth and immediately her frown dissapear

I will just come .. nyla mumbled looking at eyhan and before naaz could stop her the girl rushed

So? Querida yoy don't look pleased .. she glared at him who chuckled amused

No I am absolutely enjoying reeking alcohol and horny teenagers .. he shook his head at her sarcasm

Let's take u somewhere he murmered in her hairs

The duo made there way towards his room and naaz took a deep breath

Fucking teenagers! She threw her jacket away stretching all the way aware of a certain pair of black orbs staring at her intensely

I know I am hot but stop staring .. it's creepy .. she smirked turning to him

You are simply ... Beautiful .. he was dazed making her blush

Her phone rang making her beam at the caller ID while he frown

Dude  ... where are u? Jested aaradh with a scowl

Don't tell me you here? She giggled making the guy groan

I am .. now save me from these creepy girls .. he cried making her laugh

Will be there ..  she hung up looking at sid who raise an eyebrow making her bite her tongue

I need to go to a friend .. she cheekily smiled than pecked his cheek who huffed


Thank god! Aaradh immediately pulled her closer making her laugh

The guy was horrified with the not so decent girls

Let's dance? He boasted making her raise an eyebrow

Dance? U mean perform judo? She teased him who pouted

The duo than joined the dance floor and aaradh had his arm around her neck both laughing on joaks

Suddenly he was pushed away from her by a fuming sid

What the fuck? He shouted in rage but froze looking at the other guy

Aaradh straighten immediately his jaw clenched tightly

Aaradh? Whispered siddharth with a frown while the guy glared him hard

Leave her fucking hand .. aaradh snatched her hand away from sid who remained frozen

Don't you dare siddharth ... Not her .. no fucking way! He seethed

I fucking love her .. hissed sid yanking shehnaaz towards him

Really? Do you know what is the meaning of love

Aaradh. . warned shehnaaz though she was utterly confused but looking at the duo one thing was confirmed

They hated each other's guts!

Ask him shehnaaz .. is he honest with you ? Did he tell u ... Sid cut him off

Don't do this aaradh .. the guy just snickered

Did you tell her about her?

Naaz frown at the duo while Sid stilled

Did he tell u that he's a fucking murderer .. that he killed Raima ... His own fucking sister .. hallowered aaradh

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