harsh realities

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Eyhan I ... Nyla what the fuck? Screeched shehnaaz on seeing her bestfriend in eyhan Kapoor's shirt

Nyla gulped looking at naaz who was gaping at the duo while eyhan rolled his eyes

Yeah Sherlock Holmes your bestfriend and I had sex now move on ... He muttered closing the door

The girls glared him in unison making him smile nervously

Uh ok .. I take the words back? He nervously scratched his back

Shehnaaz ignored him looking at nyla pointedly who looked down mking her sigh

Ny .. we will talk about this later but ryt now I need to talk with eyhan

The guy raised an eyebrow and shehnaaz sighed

I came here with aaradh ... She trailled off and eyhan stilled

He and siddharth had a fight and I .. she was shut as eyhan began cursing

Fucking hell .. he immediately was rushing out when naaz stop him

Eyhan plz I .. I need to know the truth .. was .. was aaradh .. eyhan chuckled darkly

He's fucking mad! Blaming sid for killing rayma .. it's not Sid's fault that she died when she was pregnant

He acted irrationally I admit .. but he never knew that it can lead here

Sid's n raimma's dad died when sid was 16 since then he's overprotective about ray .. he never let there stepdad take any decision for raayma .. it was always him who stood as a father for her ...

He had temper issues but it's not his fucking fault .. that accident wasn't his fault .. that fucking night changed everything

He blames himself for ol this .. we weren't like this shehnaaz .. we wernt playboy's .. but now we have become like this to not get emotionally invested with anyone .. his eyes licked with nylas n he clenched his fist

Love makes one weak .. like a fucking puppy .. lost , bothered n we can't be weak anymore ... He breathed heavily

W..who's aaradh to you? Naaz whispered

Eyhan chuckled messing his hairs .. he's my elder brother

The brother I lost along rayma ...


He threw the ciggerate away groaning at the loud bell of his house

Who the fuck ... He haulted seeing the intruder who rolled her eyes pushing him away

What the .. he was shut up by a glare

You look shit go take a bath .. ordered shehnaaz making him gasp

It's been a week he's sulking in his apartment n she had enough of his tantrums n decided to take matters in her hand

What? U want me to to give u a bath? She raised an eyebrow while he immediately rushed inside making her sigh

She cleaned the area n prepared coffee for them

Siddhartha frowned on seeing his room so clean n tidy

Comeon coffee .. she smiled .. the duo drank the coffee in silence n she could feel his curious gaze on herself

U arnt picking my calls? She questioned

I was busy .. he replied stiffly

Ok .. she paused taking a deep breath

I was 5 when I first heard my mom and dad talking how worthless I am .. she spoke making him startle

She never talk about her family ever!

You know as a kid I had a problem I had stammering problem .. she looked at his startled form

My mom n dad were rich .. very rich ppl with overseas business and a high class profile n let's say I was the imperfect dark spot in therr spotless lives .. she chuckled darkly while his jaw clenched

.I was unwanted .. tears pooled in her eyes .. never loved .. no..one wanted to be .. be my fr.. friend  she stopped realising she's stammering

He kept a comforting hand on hers squeezing it

I ..I still sta..ammer w..when c..cry..ing .. she wiped away the tears

Am I t..tha..at bad s..sid..dharth? W..will u a..also l..lea..ve? He immediately kneeled down taking her hands in his

Not loving you isn't possible .. any sane person with a heart cannot hate you querida .. you are the most beautiful and pure thing .. he wiped her tears away

You deserve all the love . My querida .. his heart shattered seeing her so vulnerable

So do you siddharth .. u deserve all the love .. let me love you p .plz? She cupped his face

The lovers cried in each other's arms kissing each other's sorrow away

For them they were each other's home



Hey .. nyla sat opposite to Chris who smiled nervous

Look ny .. I know we arnt going too good but plz don't give up on us .. I love u .. nyla cut him off

No Chris u don't .. u are just use to me .. that's all .. there's a difference ..

This .. we .. it's not working .. and .. I ..I  love someone else

What? Chris was baffled

You are an amazing person Chris too good for me .. I guess I like bad boys ... She chuckled shaking her head

All the best Chris .. she stood up n walked out this tym for good

Closing the door of the car she breathed heavily when a soft carrased made her smile

Ready? Demsel

Yes! My badboy .. eyhan chuckled kissing her head

For them they found solace ...

The End

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