Chapter Fifteen - Joshua

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I released the clutch as a zombie banged on the side of the car scaring the shit out of me, I revved the car hard and accelerated out the alleyway and onto the main road leaving the zombie behind.

I weaved in-between a few cars as I drove down the road, the houses started to thin out and the rolling fields entered view, the occasional abandoned car forced me to squeeze through the gaps or drive on the grass verge or pavement but finally I was on my way to my mums.

The village was tiny there was a co-op store in the centre near the cross roads but other than a few houses in the middle there wasn't much going for it, I'm not sure why my mum chose to live here, perhaps it reminded her of the village we grew up in.

She'd made some friends in the village and she said she liked it as it wasn't too far from me, gosh I felt even more of a shit son now for not seeing her as often as I should have.

She moved all this way just for me, and I was too busy fucking about with Mike to see her when I last had the chance.

I hope she's ok

The fuel light came on as I entered the village, the crossroads showed a grim scene a black large 4x4 Audi crashed in the centre, a green land rover on its roof with a trail of blood leading to a dead zombie on the floor.

I hope they got away.

I turned right passing the co-op on the left, the shelves looking empty, the few houses that were here were well spaced out, my mums house was the last one on the end.

I parked the car and switched off the engine putting my backpack on and grabbing the bow, my hand hovered over the door handle listening intently, the air was silent.

I opened the door taking the keys with me, it was getting late and I needed to decide if this place was safe or not quickly, as I didn't have a plan b

Walking up the narrow cottage path with mum's overgrown garden to the front, thanks to her hip she had not tended to it since I last cut it for her a couple of weeks earlier.

The navy door was locked, I inserted my keys unlocking it and making my way inside

"mum" I shouted out from the narrow hallway dashing forward, at the end was the kitchen and to the side was the living room and dining room, it was a small cottage with only one bedroom upstairs and a bathroom, but it's all she needed.

I used to stay over on the sofa bed in the living room if I stayed over, the last time was two weeks ago.

"mum" I cried out again, entering the living room, the floral patterns on the wallpaper clashing against the floral floor, it was a loud room, but my mum was nowhere to be seen.

"Mum" I shouted louder racing to the kitchen, her walker discarded by the back door, it too was locked, I dashed upstairs shouting "mum" frantically, checking the bathroom and then the bedroom

She wasn't here

I sat on the bed and broke down in tears... "mum where are you, I need you"

I sat in silence for a moment wondering where she could have gone, I saw her walker downstairs, and as if doubting myself I went back to the kitchen to double check.

There it was, the stainless-steel walker to help her walk from the hip op sat next to the kitchen cupboards.

A note pad was on the worktop I grabbed it with excitement recognising the handwriting.


If your reading this then I've left with Derrick the nice chap next door I was telling you about, he says there is a community called sanctuary where we will be safe from the zombies, he says its near the forest and the park where I took you a couple of months ago before my hip operation.

I don't know anything more than that I'm afraid, I've left you some chocolate pudding in the fridge and a tin of custard in the cupboard, I know it's your favourite.

I hope you read this, I knew you would come, maybe I shouldn't have left and waited, but they were banging on the doors Josh I didn't know what to do.

I love you and I'm proud of you, you know that right.

See you soon

Love mum'

I broke down reading it, "I love you too mum"

I composed myself and dashed next door, banging on the door but the house was deserted, I peered through the downstairs windows and it was certainly empty.

I needed to find this place called sanctuary

I went back into my mum's house and in the fridge sure enough was some chocolate cake, it was stale now though, but the custard... the custard I opened and ate straight from the can while tears streamed down my eyes.

I was too late, she had gone, I should have come sooner.

Going up to the bathroom I found my spare toothbrush, I cleaned my teeth and stated washing myself with the bottled water and a flannel, I tired the tap out of curiosity and there was water...

I filled the bath immediately, then the sink, and the kitchen sink, I was a man possessed.

I discarded my clothes as I ran upstairs and jumped into the shower, the water was freezing cold but I was getting washed.

I used the shower gel id left here and I smelt like a human again, I dried myself off refreshed and awake.

In my mums room I had a few spare clothes I had left and pulled myself into them, hugging them tight against my skin, they smelt different in this house, they smelt like my mum, I hated the smell of her washing power, all lavendery and old ladyish but today I loved it.

I gathered my discarded bloodied and black stained clothes from the stairs and shoved them straight into the bin.

I decided to stay here for the night, it was quiet, id not heard anyone go past since being here.

My mums room was the best choice, I wedged her dresser up against the door and lay on the bed, by backpack and bow beside me I lay on my back wrapped up in the quilt and my clothes.

It was cold tonight

I flicked my phone on under the covers its light illuminating the floral duvet.

Where the hell is this sanctuary...

I looked on google maps, but the GPS was now not working, It didn't know where I was.


I don't remember how we got to the forest, my mum drove there, I was texting mike...

Maybe the locals might know.

They might be rapists and murderers too.

I wasn't going to let my mum down again I had to find her no matter what, starting tomorrow.

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