Chapter Sixteen - Sam

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The past few days I had got into a familiar routine, securing the perimeter from any wandering zombies in a morning, silently taking them out with the cross bow and then taking them to the barn, which was now infested with flies.

It was a workout in itself carrying the zombies up in the wheelbarrow and I had started to lose count of how many were now stored in there.

I'd use the crossbow and retrieve all the bolts as I cleared up, the only problem with the cross bow id found was its range, it was great from short distances but anything with range and its accuracy for getting the head was not reliable enough.

And once these things sniffed you out, they were a lot harder to shoot as they ran towards you as opposed to the placid shuffling beasts they seemed to be when they didn't have their sights set on their next meal.

The water tank was full which I was thankful of as the water switched of yesterday, that was a smart move there, and I had loads of water

As for the rest of my supplies, well they were lacking and starting to dwindle but I'd learnt a lot about what I needed from a survival hub.

A house needed water, that was key, now if it had solar panels, I reckon I could have electric working too.

This farmhouse was a great starting point, but I'd outgrown it, there was nothing around here so beyond the supplies I had and maybe some from the houses I might be able to pick up from the village that's it.

I'd survive another week maybe, but then what?

I needed a place just out of the suburbs, close enough to do supply runs during daylight hours, but far enough to hide from people.

And today was moving day.

I struggled in the evenings keeping my mind occupied, it had been over a week now where id not spoken a word to anyone other than myself, I wished there was someone to have a conversation with, anyone.

I was also semi thankful for not seeing anyone, everyone I'd met since the outbreak had wanted to kill me, or didn't want to help me, I didn't know why it would be any different going forward, but as the week passed I hoped the clans and morons had killed each other off, and maybe there were other survivors like me out there.

I'd bought my truck up the lane a couple of days ago into the yard, I loaded it full of water jugs and all the food stocks I could carry, I piled the truck bed with firewood, and the back seats with blankets and clothes.

I made sure I covered the logs with the canvas cover, no-one would suspect I was hauling loads of gear, I didn't want to put a target on my back, but equally I put the gun on display on the dashboard.

A message so people know 'don't fuck with me'

I siphoned some diesel from the tractor which I used to soak the straw in the barn before flicking a match into the pile of straw.

The flames licked higher and higher engulfing the dead and all within the barn, it was time to get out of here before anyone saw the smoke

I jumped into the truck and it rattled into life driving down the farm lane towards the village, id miss the farmhouse and had even brought some tools with me to replicate some of the features that helped me survive in the farm, as I got further down the lane I approached the familiar crossroads where my crashed Landy sat just up ahead, I decided to head straight on towards the town, passing the co-op again on my left

The streets were quiet other than the rattling diesel engine noise from the truck, I surveyed the area but didn't see anything out of order, that was until...

A male fur jumped out at the truck and shot into the windscreen bullet holes piecing and cracking the screen, I floored the accelerator and the truck veered off the road to the right up the embankment and into a tree coming to a jarring halt

"Fuck", I cursed ducking down low grabbing the shotgun.

Every fucking time I leave the house.

I ran around the front of the pickup the fur firing shots off into the truck I lay down on the ground looking under the pickup and aimed the shotgun at his feet


He dropped to the floor clutching his shin as I emptied the other barrel into him, it was too far for a clean shot and it wasn't long while I was fumbling with the shotgun that he had risen to his feet snarling and snapping his teeth together looking around for its meal.

I crouched near the pickup taking the crossbow, I could handle this zombie, I just hoped the shooter had no friends.

The truck was crashed opposite the last house with the zombie in the middle of the road between the house and me, a figure was at the window in the house and the zombie equally saw what I was looking at and raced towards it.

Eager not to get gunned down by this shooters friend I followed in pursuit, creeping from tree to tree trying to get closer to the house.

The zombie was a fur and I knew for some bizarre reason these little fuckers were harder to take down, but I didn't expect the thing to crash straight through the house window snarling as it scrambled its way inside.

The navy door opened and a guy ran out in joggers, he had a backpack on and bow slung over his shoulder, but he was pretty quick and he ran off up the street, the zombie sensing his victim escaping followed hot on his heels, I looked back to the truck, maybe it was drivable...

Why is It always me?

I contemplated waiting for the zombie to eat this other guy and then I'd clear the area out of the two zombies but the other part of me wondered weather he was just caught up in this just as much as I was.

I watched as he entered the co-op and the zombie followed him in.

Don't go in there, it's a dead end...

I should just get in the truck and go

Furzombie - a gay furry zombie apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now