Chapter Seventeen - Joshua

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I heard gunshots and a crash, jumping up from my chair I saw a fur getting out of a pickup and another shooting directly at him.

Why is everyone out for everyone now, the past few days trying to find a local to locate the sanctuary I had been met with savage zombies, or savage people.

The zombies I could understand, from the guy who wanted to kill me at no.7 before steeling my car and the family hiding in no.14 who just told me to fuck off and all the zombies in-between I was really done with people.

I now had no car, no means of escape and there is literally nothing left in this village, I even broke into Derricks to find absolutely zero supplies, I tell a lie there was a jar of Nutella and I'd been saving it for a shitty day, although everyday was a shitty day recently it was hard to differentiate them.

I grabbed my back pack and bow, I could see this going south pretty quickly as the shooter dropped in the street, the fur now rising with those same twitchy movements I was so familiar with now.

I clipped my rucksack on as the fur came running towards the window.

He's fucking seen me

The glass went with a mighty crash as I darted into the hallway, the furzombie crashing into my mums living room as I bolted out the front door.

Now there's another angry live fur with a shotgun near the pickup and this shithead chasing me, they were too quick to pull out the bow, I wish I had my gun still.

I needed to get off the streets, the only option I saw was the co-op

I hope it's got a back room.

I darted into the co-op as it was as empty as id seen walking past the other day, I also knew there was a back room, but it was locked.


The furzombie came crashing in chasing me down the aisles, we ran circuits around the aisles for a few laps before being at either end of one of them me deciding which way I should go

I took the left just as the furzombie decided the same and I had to quickly turn 180° and go back to the end, I had to slow for the corner to make it around the furzombie didn't and crashed into me tackling me to the floor, his jaws snapping wildly as my legs kicked at him.

I pulled the greeting card stand down onto him which only marginally helped as I fell to the floors on some plastic wrapping, once back on my feet, the furzombie now snapping wildly at me as I pushed him into the shelving and the display fridges before he dragged me down to the floor snapping over me.

Again I was on my back fighting for my life in this familiar position the stinking black bile and blood dripping onto me as I tried to keep his snapping jaws away from me.

A familiar thud sound filled the room as a bolt hit the furzombies head and I was able to throw him off me, a fur stood there about the same age as me I guessed, his ginger fur with white paws sticking against the white vest he wore and the grey joggers.

He was beautiful and I was pretty speechless lying on the floor breathing heavily as he pointed his shotgun at me.

Not again.

I put my hands up in front of me "please no, just take whatever you want, iv got a tiny bit of food but that's it"

"don't move" he said, his voice masculine and commanding and I did as I was told staring up at his eyes

My heart pounded not quite sure what to do.

"are you bitten"

Not this again, please no.

"no I swear he didn't get me"

"we'll give it a minute I guess" he said briefly looking over his shoulder, "what are you doing here?"

"my mum she lives across the road I'm trying to find her"

"I've not seen you around, what's her name"


He nodded as if he understood who I was talking about, "do me a favour and pass me the bolt" he waved the gun at the furzombies head, the bolt sticking out of it.

I leant over on my side pulling the bolt out and throwing it on the floor near his feet as he picked it up, sliding it into a pocket on his backpack.

"well I've got to go; you owe me one" he said running out the store.

I lay there breathlessly and relieved, perhaps not all people were bad but he's left already.

"you have got to be fucking kidding me" I heard the fur shout outside as I heard wheels spinning and a gunshot.

I got up and staggered outside, the fur standing there with his paws on his head screaming profanities at the truck as it disappeared down the road.

"sorry" I managed

"sorry... its your fucking fault" he blurted out jabbing a pointing finger into my chest

I rustled through my bag for the last bottle of water I had and the jar of Nutella,

"here, it's all I have, but thanks, you know for saving my life"

He turned around angrily, but the expression softened when he saw the jar of Nutella, I could even see his tail wag slightly

"I don't know who stole your truck but selfishly I'm glad you helped, it's the least I can do" I offered the jar out

"nah keep it" he said licking his maw, "everything I had was in that truck" he sighed

"I've still got water, at my mums" I pointed up the road "we just need to fill these bottles from the bath"

He rubbed his eyes as though he was trying to think

"we could try the back room here, it's the only place left in town I haven't checked, that and no.14 they wont let me in"

"fine" he said somewhat brazenly

"I'm Josh" I offered a hand as he flinched grabbing hold of his gun

"oh... I'm Sam" he shook my hand in his white paw, they were soft to the touch and his fur was silky smooth, his eyes looked deep into mine, gosh he was beautiful.

Furzombie - a gay furry zombie apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now