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i was sitting on my bed in class.

"ok guys we are gonna get started with the lesson. umm who knows what predilection is?" my teacher asked. i raised my hand.


"its another word for love" i said taking my self off mute putting myself back on once i was done.

"yes you correct it means love what are you guys definition for love?" she said sitting down.

riley came in my room wiping her eyes she was crying cause my dad was yelling at her for drawing on the walls in her room.

she came to my bed and i picked her up putting her on my lap so that she could put her head on my shoulder.

" my definition of love is somebody that shows me i'm more than what i think i am." somebody said.

"i think it's just a feeling that comes or gos depending on the person or if at the time the person is good." somebody else said.

"i think that they both are right but some what wrong because there only talking about love with a person. people is not the only way you can love you can love a pet, a toy, a snack, a job you can love anything other than a boyfriend or a family member" i said taking my self off mute.

"ok yes thank you romina i was just going to say something like that. that is why i asked. i wanted to see if y'all were going to one use it as people or other things." she said.

i went back on mute and rubbed ryry's back.

"isn't that case cunningham's daughters?" somebody asked.

i went off mute and answered yes.

"omg her dad is so fine" i heard a girl say.

"how about mikey" somebody else said.

"guys let's get back on track" the teacher said. i just left the zoom.


ro why'd you leave the meeting

cause that's weird ion wanna be around that

ok so that's ur education

why do u care😭 i'm not finna join back let me live my life

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