A Scandal in Belgravia

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Continuing the ending of ,  and are confronting . Moriarty intends at first to kill them, but as a phone call interrupts, he changes his mind, and dismisses the snipers.

Holmes has become a minor celebrity after Watson blogs about the cases they solved. One day, Holmes and Watson are brought to meet  in . Mycroft reveals that  took compromising photographs of herself and a female member of the . The authority wants to retrieve Adler's , which contains those photographs. Holmes and Watson try to get into Adler's home by deception, but she has been expecting them. Holmes meets Adler stark naked leaving him unable to deduce anything about her.

As Watson deliberately triggers the fire alarm, Holmes finds Adler's hidden safe, which Adler has glanced at nervously. Suddenly several operatives led by Neilson  break into the house and demand that Holmes open the safe. Holmes solves the password, and in subsequent chaos, some agents are killed, Holmes gets the phone first, and Adler then sedates Holmes, takes the phone instead, and escapes.

On Christmas Eve, Holmes learns via text message that Adler has sent him her phone. Considering the phone's importance, Holmes thinks she might die soon. Indeed, the police find a mutilated body, identified to be Adler.

Later, on New Year's Eve, Watson is taken to see Adler, who is alive and faked her death. Holmes followed them and learns this, too. Meanwhile, Neilson's team holds  hostage, and Holmes subdues Neilson. Adler comes, and reveals that she is still being hunted. She asks Holmes to decipher a code stolen from . Sherlock effortlessly cracks it, revealing it to be allocation numbers. Adler conveys this information to Moriarty, who taunts Mycroft Holmes that he (Moriarty) now knows their plan.

A government official brings Holmes to . Mycroft confirms that the government had planned to fly a plane full of corpses, so as not to alert the terrorists planning to bomb the plane that they know of their plans, reminiscent of the . However, as Holmes unwittingly helped Adler (and thus Moriarty) crack the code, the scheme was foiled. Adler reveals a list of demands to Mycroft, including protection, in exchange for the contents of her phone. However, Holmes figures out the unlocking password to be "SHER", so that words on the screen together reads "I AM SHER-LOCKED". Now without her leverage, Adler pleads for protection, but Sherlock and Mycroft turn her down.

Some months later, Mycroft informs Watson that Adler has been killed by terrorists, but intends to tell Holmes instead that she has entered a programme in America. Holmes asks for Adler's phone, and says that Adler's last text message was "Goodbye, Mr Holmes", suggesting her death. After Watson leaves, in the flashback it is shown that Holmes was disguised as the executioner and had rescued Adler.

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