planning of mission

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Then I also went to sleep
Next day
I woke up and saw tae oppa still sleeping, I panicked thinking did he.............died
Because of me. Oh nono its not possible no let me wake him up
Yn: oppa, tae oppa, oppa please wake up you are scaring me
He is not waking up should I give him respiration............................ok I should and I have to.
Then I press his chest thrice......and I lean in to connect our mouths
(Sorry yn is innocent so she will not say lips, hehehe)
I then blow air in his mouth I did the same two times more and then he woke up coughing,
Taehyung: ahm ahm what happened
Yn: nothing you just scared me, just wake up now
Taehyung POV
After saying that she went out and I touched my lips by my hand, she kissed first kiss.............yes
Actually I wasn't sleeping just checking what will she do in this situation. And what she did I loved it. Ahhhhhhhhhh unbelievable I am really happy. Now lets wake up other wise she will eat me.
AUTHOR: kacha chaba jayegi. (She will eat you raw
Taehyung: I know. Back to story
Author POV
Everyone got ready and are eating breakfast
After 20 min
Everyone sat at the living room
Yn: so today, me and Rm oppa are gonna tell you our plan.
Rm: so its been 10 days you guys came and being trained for the mission so today is your test, how well have you been trained. So me and yn have already decided the plan, yn go for it.
Yn: ok so according to our powers I have decided it, so since jennie unnie and jimin oppa are the fighters and are able to be invisible this will help you in it you will be going to the east of the jungle and then there after walking for 10 min you will see a house with different colors if flag you have to go there and there you will get 2 silver knives okay you have to fight 10 people and get that knives and then you will see a brightness in the jungle there you will meet us, ok.
Jennie/jimin: yes yn
Rm: one more thing you should not talk to anyone there, if they talk to you say ERY, ok.
Jimin: what does it mean
Rm: it means 'away'
Jennie: why would we say that
Rm: so that person know you don't want to talk to them
Jimin/JENNIE: okay
Yn: now lisa unnie and Taehyung oppa, since you both control air, you both have to go to south it will be a long way,  after going to the jungle you will see a big garage which will be all in black, in the distance of 30 min they will misbehave you but you have to talk patiently and ask them ask the most nicely, if the didn't tell then you have to fight them.
Lisa: but I have a question
Yn: hmmm
Lisa: if we know they will not tell us the way can't we fight them directly.
Yn: Rm oppa please you tell
Rm: lisa the much I read in the history the people here are really violent and if someone will beat them without a reason they will kill them by calling more people, approximately 200 people to kill those people, so if you ask them pleasantly they will find a reason of you fighting with them ok
Taehyung: what else
Yn: ok, then there you will get a golden knife board you have to take it but one more thing
Lisa/taehyung: what
Yn: before taking the knife board stop the air flowing in your area
Taehyung: but can we be able to breath?
Yn: yes, everyone except you to will not be able to take breath and the golden board will shine because of it AND and 5 min of the board shinning release the air and then you guys have to walk for 40 min to reach a place from where a bright light will be coming, there you will meet us, ok
They nodded
Rm:same for you, don't talk to anyone, if someone talk to you say BYSO.
Lisa:what does it mean
Rm: don't
Lisa/taehyung: ok
Yn: next is Yeounjin, soobin, Heuning kai, jin oppa and Rm oppa. You will be one group going towards north-west you will be there to fight any people who will come in the way, as you will be carrying Diamond shield.
Soobin: what Is diamond shield
Yn: just like its name it will be a shield in which the 10 diamond which we have to collect will come, ok
Soobin: ok
Rm:but yn why are we talking it there
Yn: because we have to do a ritual there, diamond princess
Rm:: ok
Jisso: who is diamond princess and what will she do
Yn: we don't know yet but just have to find her
Yn: and you all have to guard jin opp oppa
Jin: I don't need anyone to guard me I am enough for my self.
Yn: oppa they will be 80 men
Jin: WHAT?
Yn: yes, you guys have to guard him and if anyone gets hurt YOU will treat them and for other things you have RM oppa, ok
They nodded
Yn: now yeji, ryujin, yuna, rosé unnie and jisso unnie, you will go to west of the jungle and you guys will walk 10 min and reach a treehouse like place you have to go there and there you will get a woman in blue dress ask her to give you shield belt, she will ask you questions, remember not to show nervousness on your face and let only jisso unnie speak, if she gave the belt quietly just go from there quietly, not in rush or hurry, if she not give that quietly, yeji you have to hold everyone's hand together in front of her and you all have to say keller is wrong , should go back  you hAve to say it until she  vanish and then rosé you have to take two shield belt remember what I said for the people only those have to do so
And ryunjin you have to take it with you in your hand as rosé will hand it to you, yuna you will protect every one you will be the strongest among them there, ok
They: yes
Yn: now chaeryoung, lia, Beumgyu and taehyun you have to stay at home and protect It as it have many things which should not be with wrong people, there will be few people who will come here if anyone try to enter the house shoot them and even if someone sees you, if we all didn't come back till 12:30 am run from the house with as much weapons as you can carry and ran to the north of the house come to the nearest home, we will be there in any how, oki
They: yes
Yn: lastly me and Jungkook oppa, so we will go to the north and there will be a lot of men of the king of that place we have to just go from there to the place were born fire would be lit up
Jungkook: it seems easy
Yn: not at all, there are a lot of traps, from getting under a heavy log to be eaten by animals, its known as the most dangerous place since it have the king's palace, only those people can enter that palace who king already know, no one else and we have to go there, in front of king's house we have to part ways you will go to southeast and I will go south west and there in his mansion will be alot of fighters, assassin, killer. YOU and me are ASSASSIN and I am a killer to we just have to go to his office while fighting with his men and got him unconscious and then we will meet at a single place assemble everything we got, kill him, call diamond princess, get help from her and that's it we will be at home.
Chaeryoung: unnie you have told us mission which we will do but what that man did to deserve this.
Heuning kai: ne noona we want to know
Yn: I don't know the whole story just know nine cruel people stole nine diamond out of ten from queen and queen wanted them back those people deid but her daughter diamond princess couldn't do this so she vanish herself and will come back when the blue diamond will be found and one culprit died.
Taehyun: so who know full story?
Yn: jisso unnie
Lia: so tell us unnie
Jisso: okay so...........
Hey readers
I think I am late for this part so the plan has been discussed, in next part it will be story about the diamonds so stay tuned. And I am also thinking of writing another ff, so please check that too.
Thank you
I love you army, blinks, midzy, moas.

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