Meeting the Hard on

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I don't know what else to say except, Im soo sorry!! between cancer, brainclots, near divorces, selling my dog, writers block and to be honest, laziness I haven't been able to upload sooner, I'm sorry if ths seemes like a filler but I will try to post the next chapter with alot of  explenations as soon as possible, I've already started on it. 

If there are any questions you would like answered in the next chapter let me know. 

So one of my favorite book series of all time is song of a lioness by tamora pierce and favorite disney movie is Mulan,  so it came to no suprise to me that I would like the book Paladin by SallySlater but I was suprised at how truly awesome it was. I definatelly recomend reading it. 

Paladin by SallySlater :
Sam is the most promising swordsman among this year’s crop of Paladin trainees...and knows it. Brash, cocky, and unbeatable with a sword (well, almost), Sam is the kingdom of Thule’s best hope against the violence wrought by demons. The only problem is that Sam is really Lady Samantha, daughter of the seventeenth Duke of Haywood, and if her father has his way, she’ll be marrying a Paladin, not becoming one.
But Sam has never held much interest in playing damsel-in-distress, and so she rescues herself from a lifetime of boredom and matrimonial drudgery.
Pity that Tristan Lyons, the Paladin assigned to train her, is none other than the hero of her childhood. He hasn’t recognized her as Lady Samantha--yet-- but if he does, he’ll take away her sword and send her packing. 
Sam is not the only trainee hiding secrets: Braeden is a half-demon with a dark past that might be unforgivable.
Sam, Braeden and Tristan set out for the western coast, charged with rooting out an infestation of demons that has made the West unlivable. As they travel, they uncover a deep-seated corruption of power that threatens to derail everything they stand for. Rebellion stirs, led by a rival faction of warriors who tempt Sam to join them with an irresistible offer. A war between men is coming, and Sam must pick a side. Will saving the kingdom cost her life -- or just her heart?
Reminiscent of Mulan, but with a medieval fantasy twist, Paladin is a tale of adventure, action, and romance.


What. The. Fuck.

I checked the bathroom trying to find snow, but he wasn't in there.
In retrospect what had happened was quite obvious and any sane person would have Followed him
downstairs. However, this was the real world and in the real world werewolves doesn't exist.
That’s why I walked into the bathroom and actually looked behind the toilet and in the bathtub before a second crash caught my attention.
Immediately following the sound came the thought that if Luci had been up here, who had been down there.
I started running towards the stairs at the same time the sound of a loud grunt came up the stairs.

I froze at the bottom of the stairs; there were three people in the living room. One guy was on his hands and knees on the floor gasping for air, another was in a fist fight with, a still naked, Luci. I knew Luci could fight and since the other guy was holding his own I assumed he could to, although in Lucis defense he still seemed quite pale and shaky.  In my head I've always thought proper fights between people who knew what they were doing would be graceful like in the movies, you know they kick and duck and do flips in the air and the kinda back of and circle each other and then push each other through walls, typical action film scenario if you add a few explosions, It wasn't like that. They were just going at each other with their fists, albeit there was the occasional block and duck but generally they were in each other’s faces punching and hammering. And if you're wondering where I was while I was making these observations, I'm happy to say I was not hiding behind the door and peeking through the crack like a little coward... Ok yeah I totally was, but in my defense Luci seemed to be handling himself quite fine and the other guy and the guy-on-his-hands-and-knees were really scary.

Luci seemed to have the upper hand, he was forcing the guy back and his blows where coming faster and faster and the other guy appeared to have retorted to trying to protect his head and avoiding the worst of Lucis blows, when suddenly-the-guy-on-his-hands-and-knees, whom I and Luci  seemed to have forgotten, had Luci in a choke hold. This gave both guys ample opportunity to beat the crap out of him. 

Now I had to do something.

I was looking around the hallway trying to find something that could be used as a weapon; I didn't think my fists would do much damage if Lucis didn't. I spotted a big, ugly, porcelain vase that my mom had acquired from an antique shops several years ago. It didn't work with the rest of the decorations in the house and even my mom secretly agreed but she was to stubborn to get rid of it.
I suppose I was about to do it for her. 

I picked up the vase, which was heavier than I thought, and turned it over, causing the dust covered plastic flowers to fall out and walked into the room. The-guy-on-his-hands-and-knees, who no longer was on his hands and knees but now had Luci in a choke hold, and Luci, stood with their backs to me and they shielded me from the sight of the other guy. This meant I, without much difficulty, could sneak up behind them and  slam the vase down on the guy-who-was-formerly-on-his-hands-and-knees. I kinda imagined something dramatic along the lines of the vase breaking and the guy collapsing in a heap, but all that happened was that the vase bounced of the guys head with a thump and he turned to look with a confounded look in his eyes. 

This gave Luci the time he needed to get out of his grip and tackle the other guy while the-guy-who-was-formerly... ok this is getting annoying, lets’ just call them guy1 and guy2. guy 2 was advancing towards me with a nasty grin on his face, and since five year olds can out run me I decided to just go for it. I jumped him with my fist swinging wildly and managed to get a few blows in before guy2s fist landed its self firmly in my gut. Holy.Fucking.shit. That hurt.

I've been in plenty of fights, but cat fights with cheerleaders and the occasional pissed of girlfriend does not prepare you for the force a 1.80 m bulky guys fist in your stomach. And movies makes it look much less painful.
While I was bent over coughing and dreading his next punch I heard a large crash. Luci was standing behind guy2 and shards of the now broken vase lay on the floor. Guy 2 seemed pretty out of it and that was only made worse when Luci grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and head butted him. However a car honking outside seemed to snap him out of it and he ran/stumbled towards the door trying to get out and since I no longer could see guy1 I assumed he had also ran.  

“you okay?” Luci was panting heavily, out of breath.

“nyeow!, you were…and the guys… and snow.. and ouch… why… explain” I would like to blame my incoherent speaking on the pain, the fear and adrenaline and that I was also out of breath, but a big part of it was because Luci was still naked, and hard.

“whats with… the boner” I gasped between breaths.

“Oh, fighting gets my blood pumping” he sounded slightly bashful but seemed to have regained his breath and was now leaning against the couch

I’m aware that there might have been more important topics to discuss then my next question but I just couldn’t help myself.

“So in training when you’re fighting you get turned on, isn’t that quite awkward if you’re like wrestling or something… unless everyone is turned on as well?”

“Oh yeah, we have massive orgies as warm up”

“Really?!” That was awesome! I should so start watching them practice more often, al thoe hot guys… Damn!

“No! what is wrong with you?”

I was just about to reply when the phone went of.

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