Treasure's make over

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Treasure went home did her chores then went to her  room,the girls planned a meet up on Saturday and Treasure had no idea how can she sneak out of the house and go to town to meet up with her friends.later that day Mr ndabeni called a family meetings.
Mr ndabeni : Treasure me and your mom what to talk to you
Asakhe : it's about your behaviour you have changed alot since you started high school are you dating
Treasure: boys don't even look my direction because im a disgrace as you always say so who would want to date a disgrace?
Mr ndabeni: what's with that attitude Treasure?
Treasure: i don't have an attitude im tired can i go to sleep.
She Then got up and went to her room   praid then went to sleep,Treasure praid every day she had faith in God.

Early in the morning she woke up did her chores as usual then took a bath.
Asakhe : Treasure where are you going so early in the morning?
Treasure: im attending extra classes at school
She then went to her bedroom combed her hair then went to town her friends gave her a taxi fee friday to come to town that made things more easier.she got to town and found her friends wanting for her.
Treasure: hyy girls
Mendy:hyy never thought you would really come
Treasure : im now here let's start with  the make over
Thato: whuuu someone is in a hurry let's go to the salon and dye your her
Treasure: okay
They went to the salon and people were starring at her it was like it was their first time seeing an albino but she was now used to that.she dyed her  hair black she was looking pretty and her friends complemented her she was happy about her new look.They went to buy chips and gave Treasure some clothes she didn't want to take them but they gave her no choice.they ate and went home but mendy was going to Mr masondo's house, Treasure went back home.

She arrived at home and her mom was cooking
Asakhe : what did you do that to your hair? So my suspicions were correct you have a boyfriend now
Treasure: noh mom my teacher did this to me because im part of the RCL committee
Asakhe : that's a lie Treasure monday im going with you at school.
Treasure: okay no problem.

Treasure was so scared because she knew if her mom goes  with her to  school she will find out the truth she was panicking she couldn't sleep all night.

How will Treasure's dad react to her new look? Will the Teacher cover up for Treasure?

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