What have i done

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Treasure was suspecting that she was pregnant but kept on turning a blind eye she would convince herself that maybe her cycle changed she was scared to tell Mr masondo she didn't want to cause conflict she knew Mr masondo was going to overreact even end their thing because Mr masondo was a married man with 4 children and had a good reputation both in his community and school but little did they know was that Mr masondo was a rascal praying on young naive girls. Treasure had lost her innocence but she was only 14 she was now a bad b*tch and was very good in bed she even wore short clothes and revealing ones her family was always asking themselves questions as to where Treasure got the money to buy these clothes Asakhe would scold Treasure and sometimes hit her she wanted to know where Treasure got the clothes and a new cellphone. Mr ndabeni was unbothered he kept on cheating that girlfriend of his agreeded to do the abortion and they kept on dating but the girl would demand so much money he was even unable to take care of his family financially he would get grumpy when asakhe asks for money

It was Monday morning and Treasure was preparing to go to school she then heard a knock at the door she opened and it was his younger brother

Sipho : sis there is no bread and we are hungry we need to go to school and mommy says she doesn't have money

Treasure gave him R200 and told him to go buy the bread she then went to school she was a bit late on her way to school she recieved a call from Mendy telling her that she is late Ms smith is already in class Treasure walked fast and arrived at school she went straight to her class and saw Ms smith coming out of her class

Ms smith : you late girly

Treasure: im sorry mam

Ms smith: i gave them a classwork tell mendy to show you

Treasure: thank you

Treasure went to class and sat down she was worried about her not going to her periods she decided to write a text to Mr masondo

"Hy babe it's been 4 months now and i haven't seen my periods and i don't know why"

That was Treasure's text to Mr masondo after 2 minutes Mr masondo saw the text and started panicking he went out of class and called Treasure

Mr masondo :come to my office

Treasure: okay babe

She quickly went to Mr Masondo's office she was a bit nervous when she arrived she saw Mr gumede going in she decided to go back to her class after 5 minutes she went there and luckly Mr gumede was already gone when she was at the door step her heartbeat hit faster she was nervous she didn't know how Mr masondo would react she then went inside

Mr Masondo : what was the meaning of your text? What was that supposed to mean

Treasure: i don't know im also stressed it's been 4 months now maybe im pregnant

Mr masondo: what? Pregnant? That cannot happen you know i have a reputation to maintain if you are pregnant you will have to do abortion 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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