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In this world, all of us have our soulmates. Well, some already met theirs and others, like I haven't. In this world where our soulmates can know what we're doing but the only thing is that we don't know who they are.

You can hear the music that your soulmate is hearing, the things that they are doing and most importantly, what they are feeling.

You can know all that because you're their other half and they complete you. That's what soulmates are.

As for me, it's been quiet. Though I questioned if I do have one. My soulmate doesn't feel anything, well the music he hears are all so sad and very depressing. Even though we could hear and feel them, we don't know who they are.

I plugged in my earpiece as I pressed the play button. Enjoying my music as I walked along Hangang River at 10 pm. Enjoying the breeze that is blowing past me. The cool night breeze and is what's accompanying me at this timing. I looked around and I didn't see anyone around me.

I put my hands inside my hoodie pocket as I breathe out due to the coldness. Eyeing my cute shoes, I looked up and accidentally bumped into someone as my earpiece was pulled out from my phone. The music played and the man looked at me weirdly.

"You- stop the song." He said and I did. He blinked his eyes and took my phone from my hand. He played another song and another one. I snatched my phone from him as I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling suspicious of this guy.

"You..." He took out his phone and play a song. Strange how I could hear his song. He took out his book and started flipping the pages. I could hear that too!

"No way," I said as my hands covering my mouth in disbelief. I couldn't believe it. My soulmate was standing right in front of me and he is real!

"You don't know me?" He questioned and I shook my head.

"You haven't seen me on Twitter or the internet or any commercial?" He asked and I shook my head again.

"I'm Kim Namjoon." He put out his hand. I was hesitant to shake it but I did anyway.

The both of us look at each other awkwardly not knowing what to do. I pull my hand away and he did so too.

"So.. what are you doing here?" He asked, eyeing the way I was dressed.

"Well just walking around to relax my mind. You?" I throw the question back to him and he bit his lips, thinking what to answer.

"I was just relaxing my mind and maybe gathering some ideas for my song." He simply replied and my eyes widen hearing the word song.

"You. Are you a producer or something?" I excitedly hold onto his arm and he flinched at my sudden touch.

"Y-Yeah... I am." He answered, trying to free himself.

The both of us talked for 2 hours there before I decided to go home. We exchanged phone numbers and I was really happy to finally meet my soulmate.

I plopped down on my sofa as I took out my phone from my pocket. I typed out a message and sent it to him.

He didn't reply and only left me on seen. I smile to myself knowing that he is just shy.

Or, maybe he is ignoring me.

(A month later)

We met on the days that he is free and during the time we spent, we use it to get to know each other. After a month of spending my time with him going out on dates and adventures, I know he is truly the one for me.

He doesn't express himself, he doesn't like skinship in public but I know he loves it when we are alone.

I looked around as I took his glasses off. He looks at me as he tried to snatch it back from my hands. He leans towards me and was about to take it back when I kissed his lips.

"Here you go." I put it on his palm and he blinked his eyes.

"You never fail to surprise me." He spoke, pinching my cheeks lightly. I scrunched my nose and he let out a smile.

"I have to go. We won't be meeting until next month." He said as he was about to let go of our hands when I pull him to me. I hold his hand tightly not wanting to let go.

"I'll miss you," I said and he ruffled my hair.

"I will miss you too. Watch our videos okay? I have something for you." He pulled his hand away and soon his figure was nowhere to be seen. I heave out a sigh as I was already missing him.

Author Pov

A few days later, Namjoon did a live. He texted you and you replied him saying that you were watching him live. Namjoon took this chance to play his new song that was out.

Trivia: Love.

"So army... Have you all heard our new album?" He asked as his eyes scanned through the comments. He smiles as one comment caught his eye.

It was yours.

"So I want to talk about Trivia: Love first since it is my solo song." He stopped talking as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Trivia: Love is about my story and how I finally know love. Before this, I don't know what love is and when I had to write songs about it... My mind went blank." He looked down, smiling to himself.

"Until something amazing happened to me. That person gave me meaning to my memories and make me from a person into love. Someone who knows how to love. Before I knew that person, my heart was only filled with straight lines. That person made me into love." He spoke and you at the other line, was already crying. You knew he was saying that about you. That was his surprise for you.

"So army, look forward to our performance tomorrow. I am excited to perform the song actually since it's about a special someone." He spoke and unknowingly, you started smiling.

"It's been great meeting that person and if I could rewind time, I would meet that person again there."

You grabbed your phone and dialled his number. He looked at his phone and saw a call from you. He ended his live there as he went to pick up your call.

"Do you like my surprise?" He asked and you were already crying out of happiness.

"Yeah, before I knew you.. my heart was only filled with straights lines not knowing what love is y/n."

"But you change me and you are my love, this song is for you."

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