You Said

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"Believe me Heather, the only woman I want to look at is you".

"Y-your so w-whatev".

"All losers please report to the elimination area, all losers".

"Now go vote her off already".

Heather smirked and walked back to the elimination area where her team was waiting for her. But to her surprise it was a reward challenge and instead the boys were getting Swedish massages. This made Heather angry she could've voted off Courtney the traitor to their team.

Heather sat in loser class and watched as Sierra tried to get with Cody which wasn't working. She looked around and saw Courtney was no where to be seen. She was curious and walked down the hallway in loser class and heard noise. She investigated to see in a corner Alejandro and Courtney having what looked to be a make out session. Heather's eyes watered and she quickly ran back to loser class.

He was kissing her, after he just told her that she was the only woman he wanted to look at, what a liar. Heather thought.

Soon Courtney came back giggling and Alejandro walked past us back to first class as he winked at Courtney. Heather followed him back through the hallway to first class before pushing him against a wall.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?". Heather yelled.

"Whatever do you mean Heather?". He asked dumbfounded.

"You kissed Courtney, and right after you told me I was the only woman you wanted to look at". She grabbed his shirt.

"Heather, I don't know why you are getting so upset, Courtney was just so lost and mad about Duncan so I decided to cheer her up". He simply replied.

Heather's deep feeling of sadness was pushed down by rage even more than in had been. "You really are a jerk, a womanizer, a liar, you could care less about anyone".

"Are you jealous perhaps?". He raised an eyebrow smirking.

"Why would you ever think that, I'm furious about what you just did, you lied about what you said to me, and kissed Courtney, COURTNEY of all people". She screamed.

"Oh Heather, it's a game, I'm here to win, so I was just making sure Courtney had my trust, so I can make it to the final 3 and get rid of her. And Heather just remember this is a competition, we are both here to win, not make friends or be in a relationship. So everything is just strategy". Alejandro smirked as he just revealed most of his intentions to win.

Heather's eyes widened at what she just heard him say. "I know it's a game, because I have more experience with this show than you do Al".

Alejandro twitched at the Nickname but collected himself. "Don't think your the only one here with smarts Heather".

"Oh whatever, just leave my team alone especially Courtney". Heather glared at him.

"Heather as I said it's a competition remember, I can have any feelings toward any girl which includes Courtney, and I have to admit I have felt strong feelings for her recently, unlike you". Alejandro smirked and walked back to first class.

Heather was having mixed feelings all around. She knew it, he never loved her.

Fast Forward

Heather laid in bed with a tray of soup in front of her. She sniffed and coughed a little when suddenly someone with a bright smile came in the bedroom and took her temperature. "Still high". The someone who was a man who seemed to be her boyfriend kissed her head.

Heather laid down and coughed. "Do wanna eat or sleep". He laid next to her.

"Cuddles". Heather snuggled into her boyfriend's chest.

Her boyfriend was none other than Alejandro taking care of his sick girlfriend. "As my queen wishes". Alejandro snuggled closer to her.

"I love you". Alejandro whispered in her ear.

Later that day a knock came at their door to reveal Courtney. She smiled at the sight where Alejandro was holding Heather in his arms as she slept.

Courtney laughed silently and left smiling. Even though at one point she thought Alejandro and her would be together, she knew Heather was and is the perfect fit for him. Even if Heather didn't realize it sometimes.

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