Her Angelic Voice

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I slowly stood on my bare feet as I looked back at Law who was asleep peacefully. I slowly grabbed one of Law's towels and a new shirt. I walked towards the bathroom before shutting the door behind myself. I placed the pile onto the wooden box as I undressed myself. I turned on the shower, stepping inside. I slowly looked up at the water as it fell against my exposed skin. I smiled slightly as I looked down at my bare feet. I began to wash my body and hair with soap before washing it off. I didn't want to wake Law up by the sound of the water. I turned off the shower, exiting the small area and wrapping the towel around my body. I slowly dried myself off and changed into the large shirt I had picked up before. I slowly put the towel on my head, drying my hair slowly. I exited the room and froze slightly when I realised Law was staring at me, sat on the edge of the bed. I watched as a smile climbed upon his face. 

"Good morning Captain!" I smiled happily as I rubbed my wet hair with the towel. I watched as his face twisted in shock. I giggled quietly before walking past him and placing the damp towel into the wash basket and opening the door. I exited the room and headed towards the dining room. I realised that Law was following me as I entered the dining room and walked towards the kitchen. I huffed quietly as he sat down, watching me. I smiled as I began to cook breakfast. I danced around the kitchen, cooking and baking. I sang quietly as I indulged in my cooking, completely forgetting that Law was watching me. I continued to sing as men flooded into the dining room. I completely forgot that I was singing as I moved plates from the kitchen to the dining room.

"Woah.. Captain.. she has an angelic voice.." Shachi and Penguin mumbled in unison. I froze slightly when I felt a dozen gazes on me. I coughed quietly as I looked at them.

"G-good morning.." I mumbled and everybody screamed in happiness. I slowly looked at Law who was smiling brightly. I felt a blush build on my face as I diverted my attention back towards the crew. I smiled as I took my seat, next to Law. I slowly put the cup of coffee in front of him. "I have some prepared if you want more.." I mumbled quietly as I took a spoonful of food, eating it. 

"Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate it!" He laughed quietly as he looked at the crew. I smiled as I slowly looked up at Law. They all seemed to enjoy the food I made and I appreciated it. 

A few hours later

I slowly jumped onto the island as I looked back at the ship, pouting. "Don't worry, I'll get the shopping! Does anybody want anything?" I smiled as I watched them all.

"No, we're all good Y/N!" Law smiled as Shachi shouted. I nodded quickly as I walked towards the town. I slowly looked around before freezing in front of a small stall. It smelt delicious. I giggled as I ordered some of the fruits they were selling. I picked up the bag, walking past the rest of the stores. I had an alarming feeling but I wanted to finish shopping quickly. I froze when I was pulled into an alleyway. I began to panic as I felt a hand cover my mouth. I tried to grip at their hand but my body was weak. My vision began to blur as all the fruit I had bought earlier fell to the floor, exiting the bag. My whole consciousness disappeared. 

Law's POV (Two hours later)

I sighed quietly as I leant against the submarines railing. I took a deep breath as I watched the island. 

"We still haven't found her yet Captain.." Shachi mumbled from behind me, "They did find a bag of spilt fruits earlier though.." I sighed quietly before rubbing the bridge of my nose slowly. She should of come back by now. I shook my head as I hit the railing in anger. 

I need to find her. 

I looked at the crew and I could tell that they immediately knew what to do. I jumped onto the island, walking to the town. I slowly looked around for any signs and I froze at the alleyway that the fruits were found in. I slowly kneeled down as I saw something. I slowly picked up a piece of fabric and I froze. It was a piece of fabric from the shirt she was wearing. I slowly got to my feet again, looking around. I sighed quietly as I followed some tracks in the grass. I froze outside an abandoned building before entering with the following crew. I slowly looked around and I felt Y/N's weakened presence on the top floor. I walked to the deserted stairs, following them to the top floor. I froze slightly when I saw Y/N, layed on the floor with a blood pool beneath her. I quickly ran to her, sitting up her weakened body. 

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