Taking Care Of Her

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I slowly opened my eyes, yawning. I caught my breath slightly when a flood of pain rushed over my body. I gripped onto the bed sheets before smiling. I calmed down when I realised the whole room smelt like Law. I slowly got to my feet, taking a deep breath. I grabbed one of Law's hoodies, putting it on. I exited the room, heading to the dining room. I pushed open the door before freezing. Everybody's gazes turned to me. I tensed up when Law stared at me. He smiled before crossing his arms. "Everybody was waiting for you Y/N." I giggled before stumbling to the kitchen. My body was still weak and I didn't know if I had the strength to cook.. but I wanted to. I began to cook, taking deep breaths. I started making Law's coffee, coughing quietly. I slowly looked around and I carefully tipped the coffee into a cup. I poured some more drinks for the rest of the crew before picking them up and transporting them to the dining room. I placed a cup in front of everybody before stopping in front of Law. I smiled as I handed him his cup. He took it slowly before sighing, "You really should be resting.." He mumbled quietly before looking away. 

I nodded slowly before heading back to the kitchen. I dished out the food before transporting them to the dining room. I placed a plate in front of everybody before freezing on my way back to the kitchen. I gripped on the doorway weakly as my legs began to give out. I took a deep breath before quickly exiting the dining room. I headed to Law's room and straight to his bathroom. I knelt down in front of the toilet as my skin turned pale. I didn't feel right. I gripped the side of the toilet before throwing up. It was blood. Law came running in before rubbing my back. "Hey are you ok Y/N..?!" I slowly gripped onto his other hand, shaking. He looked like he was contemplating as I wiped my lips. I slowly fell back against him weakly. 

"This can't be your injuries.. do you remember anything from the incident..?" He mumbled and I looked down slowly. I took a deep breath before gripping onto his shirt. 

"I-I.. I think I remember some sort.. of injection.. b-but.. my eyes were covered.." I mumbled and he sighed quietly. 

"Alright.." He slowly rubbed my head before sighing. "I told you that you should of rest.. I didn't notice this earlier because you weren't moving. You moved too much and it caused whatever was in the injection to spread through out your body.. causing you to well.. you know." He mumbled. I smiled weakly before resting my head against his chest. 

"I wanted.. t-to make breakfast for everybody... a-and I haven't t-taught anybody to m-make the coffee I make f-for.. you.." I slowly looked down before closing my eyes. 

"Your dedicated to cooking for us.. I appreciate it Y/N.. but you need to take care of yourself more.." He sighed almost silently as he held me closer. 

Law's POV

I sighed quietly as she began to breathe heavily. Her condition was getting worse and I needed to find out what this mystery injection was. I slowly picked her up, walking to my bed and laying her down slowly. I grabbed an empty needle, taking some of her blood. She was watching me as I began to examine her blood. I needed to understand what was injected so I could treat it. My eyes widened slightly when I realised. It was a poison.. a poison that takes effect slowly. I growled as I grabbed the antidote from my draw. Luckily, this was used before on Shachi and I had spare antidote. It was a common poison so I was already prepared. I slowly walked to her and injected the antidote into her arm. Unfortunately, this antidote can cause the patient to get sick easier. Shachi had a fever after I gave him a shot of this antidote so the same would probably happen to Y/N. I need to take care of her injuries as well if she does get a fever. Fevers can worsen injuries and that would be dangerous. I sighed before caressing her cheek gently. 

"L-Law..?" She mumbled quietly and I could almost tell her vision was blurred. I smiled slightly before humming in response. I sat next to her before placing my hand on her forehead. 

"Feel better yet..?" I mumbled quietly as I watched her. She nodded slowly but I could tell that she wasn't telling the truth. I sighed quietly before laughing a bit. She didn't want to worry me. I pressed a gentle kiss on her head before smiling. I slowly dampened a cloth before placing it onto her forehead. She giggled quietly as I slowly caressed her cheek. 

"C-captain.." She mumbled quietly as she rolled onto her side, looking at me. I felt my heart race as I watched her. I sighed as I quickly covered her body with the blanket. I couldn't keep getting close to her like this.. I was still a human and I too had sexual thoughts about females. I shook my head slowly before realising that she had gripped my shirt. I smiled slowly before petting her head. She was still part of my crew and one of my childhood 'friends'. I sighed quietly before pulling her close to me and tapping my lap slowly.

"Rest your head here, ok?" I mumbled and she nodded nervously as she layed her head on my lap. I smiled as I rubbed her head slowly. She hasn't eaten yet.. I needed to get her some food soon. But.. I didn't want to move. I smiled slowly as she fell asleep. It never took her long to fall asleep.. well except from some nights. When I wasn't in bed with her she never falls asleep quickly and she can never stay asleep. I asked Bepo about it before but he had nothing to say. I asked Penguin and Shachi and they said that you fall asleep easier around the people your in love with.. but I found that stupid. I shook my head quickly when I realised that she was staring at me. I smiled before putting my hand on her head. 

A few hours later

I leant back slightly as I stroked her cheek. "Y/N?" I mumbled quietly and she slowly looked up at me with a smile. She hummed in response, "Are you hungry yet?" I smiled as I caressed her cheek slowly. She contemplated the words before getting to her feet and quickly nodding. I sighed before getting up. I grabbed one of my shirts and slid it onto her body. "When the hell did you get undressed?" She giggled as she straightened out the shirt. 

"When you weren't looking.. it was way too warm.." She huffed quietly as she took my hand, holding it weakly. I flinched slightly before opening the door. 

"Come on.. let's go get you some food" I smiled as I lead her to the dining room. I pushed open the door and my eyes widened slightly when I saw the buffet all laid out. "Did you guys do it?" I mumbled and the crew looked at me, smiling. They had been working all day to make food for her when she woke up. I laughed quietly as I walked to a chair. They all knew how hard Y/N worked to make their meals every day and they're repaying her now. I smiled as I carefully sat her down before pouting. "Don't force yourself to eat loads.. your still sick.." I sighed quietly as I grabbed a damp cloth, placing it on her forehead. She nodded slowly, smiling. She began to eat and everybody stared at her in adoration. 

"Yummy..!!" She giggled, continuing to eat. I smiled slightly before sitting down next to her. My face flushed red as she looked at me with a smile. I slowly looked away before sighing.

"Y/N.. You really shouldn't be eating so quickly. If you force all the food down at once it will make you throw up.." I rubbed the back of my neck before slowly looking at her. She giggled quietly as she got to her feet. She smiled but only a few seconds later did she collapse. I quickly caught her as everybody gasped. "Don't worry.. I expected this to happen.." I mumbled as I picked her up slowly. "She finally ran out of adrenaline and her body was effected all at once." I mumbled as I exited the room, walking back to my own. I closed the door behind me as I sat on the bed, looking at her. 

"Y/N?" I mumbled as I moved the hair out of her face. She didn't reply.. I sighed before slowly laying down but she gripped onto my sleeve. I didn't move as she moved her hands to grip my hoodie. She was still unconscious but I could tell that she felt like I was the only comfort she had.. that's why she gripped my shirt. I smiled as I kissed her head. "Rest up.." I mumbled as I layed next to her, sighing. 

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