The End

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His watch shone a luminous greenish light onto his face as he stared at it. He knew he should go to school. He knew he should. But there was a feeling inside of him that if he wasn't there, then nothing would happen. Perhaps this was his issues with object permanence kicking in, spurring on his desire to snuggle into the oblivion of his duvet and hide from the world. But, there was always the terror that if he wasn't there, George would disappear completely. Permanently. And that was a much more feasible construct. Also, in school, all being well, there was the very real possibility of more kisses shared with George.

That was probably what inspired him up from between his bed sheets into his school clothes, in complete honesty. Though the time with George yesterday had remained short lived and laced with a foul odour of paranoia, it was still the happiest Dream could report being in years. The warmth of another pressed against your body was a sensation he felt sure would live on in his memory, no matter the consequences.

The walk to school seemed eternal, today, with his car still in holding, being deemed a 'Risk To Himself And Others,' which essentially translated down to the assumption that he was a madman. He supposed their discretion wasn't entirely uncalled for, though, he had exhibited numerous PTSD symptoms and a sociopathic nature which had proven to disconcert many different officials.

Once he stepped through the gates, he immediately noticed George, stood huddling with his usual clique. There were notably more eyes on him than usual, although that could have been because he had been in police custody for the last six months. George turned to see Dream, the biggest grin creeping across his features, breaking the usually serious look he wore. They ran to each other, like characters in a movie, uncaring towards the incredulous looks from classmates aplenty. George leaped into Dreams arms, clinging like a koala around his shoulders.

It was wonderful.

The watchful eyes of the surrounding populus only seemed to make the moment sweeter, Dream was what some may fondly call an attention whore, which I doubt many people are surprised by. He grinned, setting George gently on the concrete ground, lightly taking his hand. 'Shall we?' He asked, gesticulating toward the main door. That sounds like a euphemism. I promise it wasn't. Anyway, they walked together into the main school building, followed by 75 percent of those who were waiting outside. It was somewhat of a novelty, I guess, two gay boys one of whom was almost arrested for allegedly trying to murder the other.

Their first classroom went completely and utterly silent as they entered together, much to Dream's delight and amusement. George looked at the floor, cheeks taking on a delicate fuschia shade. Sapnap smiled toothily at them when they entered, sat with Niki and Minx. It was an unusual combination of people, but they all looked happy, ever more glad to see the two of them walking through the doorway.

'Hey,' breathed George. He still hadn't looked up from his shoes, so Dream leaned forwards and placed his forefinger on the underside of his chin, lifting his eyes to look at him.

'Hey,' Dream said back, admiring the boy, so perfect that he looked like he'd been carved from marble.

Sapnap grinned and poked Niki, who in turn nudged Minx. It was fairly obvious that they had been the topic of conversation while they were still embracing in the courtyard.

Having friends was still a concept that Dream was unfamiliar with, having distanced and set himself apart from those his age wherever he could. There was a warm feeling in his soul, which could only be likened to the sensation of eating hot soup on a cold day after a decade long snowball fight. They settled into their seats eventually for homeroom, though he kept his hand linked with George's across the gap between the tables. Every now and again he would feel a little squeeze on his hand, the pressure sending signals to his brian to release a burst of dopamine through his body. George was his own special formula of antidepressant, minus the ten pages of negative side effects.

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