Kuroshiro Tarinai

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Name: Kuroshiro Tarinai


Age: 17

Status: Page, First year

Title: Exwire

Type: Knight and Dragoon

Race: Half human, half demon (Ice)

D.O. B.: August 8

Blood Type: A

Personality: Cold on the outside but childish inside. Sensitive, and dangerous when angry. Likes sweets secretly. Rarely trusts a person, and protects people important to him

Weapons: Twin pistols and a katana

Details: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-CNLiKQ5CsaE/VN32AP-ePgI/AAAAAAAABSE/MO7lSU5aRIw/w500-h558/tumblr_mlf8y3ujEB1rxpxd5o1_500.png

Familiar: Eri, a three-tailed white cat (Always mistaken as a fox)

School: Day school and Cram school

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