Chapter 6

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Next Day you arrive at the office and spot JJ at her office. I go straight to her office to talk to her. She sees me and motions for me to sit. I tell her about my conversation with Hotch and how he took it well. She gave me a look and an "I told you so" and laughed. You guys talk a little bit until a case came in. I call for the team and head to the conference room. Hotch debriefed the case to the team.

"Reid you and Rossi go and see the scene." Hotch says not looking up from his file.

"Do you think both victims are related?" Rossi asks.

"Well, the daughter was abducted 10 years ago... and now the mother? You see here, this letter is the same... So theoretically yes." I say looking at the letter and the file in my hands.

"Wheels up in 30." Hotch says leaving the room.

I leave the room and go find my go bag at my desk. Morgan and Spencer are at the elevators and I join them. Morgan hops on the driver's seat, me on the passenger's seat and Spencer on the back heading to the jet. Once on the jet you guys discuss more the case.

"Why would the unsub wait. 10 years to abduct the mother? Is there a significance around it?" Prentiss says.

"Maybe it could be 2 different unsubs or maybe just the same one?" Morgan asks.

"It could be a possibility." Spencer says.

Once you guys arrive, Hotch assigns tasks. Some time later the unsub was found and you close the case. Getting on the jet Spencer talks about the details of his plan.

"Soo Friday night you guys can come to my house to have the movie night." Spencer says excited.

"Alright sounds good. I'll bring wine." Emily says.

"I'll bring popcorn." JJ says.

"You guys want pizza? Cause I'll bring it if you want." Morgan says and everyone agrees.

After a while, I am asleep with my headphones on. Hotch notices that I was shivering so he puts his jacket over me and sits back at his seat watching me sleep. Obviously Rossi is watching so he goes sit with Hotch to get some intel.

"Aaron what are you thinking about? Have you gave a thought at what I told you?" Rossi says raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe I don't know. It's that the other night she told me something that I don't know if I can tell you because it's personal but it got me thinking." Hotch says.

"So it's. good thing this thinking of yours?' Rossi asks.

"Maybe... I guess." Hotch says.

"Hey, do what your heart tells you." Rossi says smiling at his friend.


It's Friday night. I decided to put on some random t-shirt with some black leggings and some tennis shoes. I arrive at Spencer's and see that everyone is already there. Spencer greets me and welcomes me to his apartment. You guys get the popcorn and drinks and sit at the couch.

"So what movie do you guys want to watch?" Spencer asks.

"Honestly whichever." Morgan says sipping on his drink.

"While you decide, I'll make some more popcorn." JJ says standing up.

"Please any movie that's not Star Trek." I say laughing.

"Yep I agree." Emily says.

You guys pick a movie (whichever one you'll like) and fall asleep. Next morning I wake up and see Morgan and JJ sprawled out on the couch, Emily on the floor with a blanket and Spencer in a strange sleeping position on the other couch. I stand up and go to the bathroom to freshen up. When I come out I see that they have started to wake up.

"Hey guys, let's go get breakfast." Morgan says.

"Sounds good to me." I say gathering my stuff.

Spencer, JJ and Emily agree. You guys get some breakfast and talk for a while.

"Crazy idea. Why don't we plan a vacation together?" Emily suggests.

"I mean we need it so I'll say yeah." JJ says.

"Don't gotta tell me twice." Morgan says laughing

"Yesss Count me in." I say.

"We should tell Rossi and Hotch when we get back on Monday." Spencer says.

Monday morning comes and I decide to bring coffee and breakfast to everyone. When I arrive I give them their food and drink and head to Hotch's office to give him his. You knock on his door and hear a faint "come in" and head inside.

"Hey Hotch, Emily has this idea of doing a vacation together with the team, you in?" I ask him giving him his coffee and breakfast.

"Hey thank you. Sure that could be fun." He says, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"Very well, I'll let her know." I tell him heading out of his office to my desk.

"I heard we are planning a vacation together?" Rossi asks coming to the bullpen.

"Yes, it was Emily's idea." Morgan says eating his food.

"Well let me plan it and then when I do I'll let you know the details." Rossi says.

"Perfect." Spencer says practicing his magic trick.

The day goes by quickly, nothing interesting happened. Everyone leaves and when I was gathering my things when I see Hotch leaving early which is very uncommon for him to leave early as he is always working late.

"Leaving early?" I ask him raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I promised Jack we'll have movie night." He says.

"Aww that's nice." I say.

"Yeah." He thinks for a minute. "Maybe you should join us." He says grabbing me by surprise.

"Oh no I don't want to bother you guys night." I tell him.

"It's no bother. It could be fun." He says smiling and giving me a funny look.

"Okay. I guess it could be fun." I say to him smiling.

You both head out together to his house. I am feeling nervous about going to my boss's house PLUS meeting his kid but I shrugged those thoughts and think about how fun this could be. When I come back from all my thinking I see we had arrive at his house.

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