Tanaka and Nishinoya were the first to snap out of their shock.
"Who are you? And what are you doing with our setter" they both cried.
???? Finally lifted his head from where it rested on Kageyama's shoulder, to look at him, totally ignoring everyone else in the room.
" You should go get changed, we don't want to be late."
"Oh right. I'll be right back!" Kageyama separated himself and rushed out the door, oblivious about the chaos he just caused.
???? Straightened himself looking not all relaxed as he was a minute ago in the presence of the setter. He sent a glare around the room, stopping at a certain someone.
"Tsukishima" ????? Nodded in his direction acknowledging him then looking around. "Kiyoko, Yachi, always a pleasure seeing you again"
The three in question nodded their head in greeting not knowing what to make of this situation.
"Don't ignore us. Answer the question!!!!!!!! Tanaka growled
" Ew annoying and loud" ???? Sighed
"Why were you hugging kageyama and where are you taking him" Hinata shouted.
Tsukishima almost face palmed but he kept his neutral face.
"Calm down guys" Daichi said "he can't answer your questions if you keep shouting at him."
"Bold of you to assume that I was going to answer their questions. I am only here for Tobio, socialization is not mandatory with you guys"
"Pfft" Tsukishima snickered 🤭 enjoying the chaos. ' this is getting dangerous, I can feel the tension in the air, but I like it 😂'
"But if you must know, My name is Sakusa Kiyoomi. And anything concerning what I do with Tobio is none of your business. I do it because I can and I am allowed."
Sakusa glared at Hinata. Hinata took a step back almost hiding behind suga, as he could feel the murderous aura that the stranger was releasing.
"Next time someone tells you let go you should listen" Hinata gulped. He felt like a prey about to be devoured.
The tension in the room spiked again, thick and suffocating. Just as suga was about to speak, the door opened reveling Kageyama.
The dark glare disappeared immediately as Sakusa turned to face the raven.
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"Looking good Teapot. Ready to go? Sakusa said all cheerful while ruffling kageyama's hair a bit before placing his cap back on.
"Yep" kageyama replied almost bouncing on his feet and with stars shining in his eyes with excitement.
Sakusa chuckled at the raven. "Kiyoko, Yachi you guys are welcomed to joins us later"
Kageyama nodded agreeing "Please do" then he was out the door
Sakusa glared at Hinata one last time before Turing to follow kageyama, as he reached the door he looked over his shoulder. "Do that again and next time I won't be so polite". With that final word he exited the gym.
While the rest of the team was still reeling in shock, Kiyoko and Yachi took the time to exit via the back, with a glance to tsukishima, before anyone could notice or ask anything. They definitely didn't want to be mixed up in whatever was going to happen.
"What the hell just happened" Asahi exclaimed
Tsukishima burst out laughing 😂 " That was gold" 'well played King😏 only you can get away with this' 😂🤣😂. "Sorry, not sorry".