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Chapter by aetherena / aetherenax

Jake's POV

Today was the day. Jake was going to confess to his crush, Hailey. Shortly after the music competition, the fact that he was constantly working- and that Daisy never seemed to be available- had made him slowly lose feelings... and catch them instead for a certain ocean-haired girl.

He'd decided he wouldn't wait to confess, unlike what happened with Daisy, and had finally worked up the courage to just get it over with and tell Hailey.

That brought him to where he was now, knocking on the door to the music room, which was empty except for her.

"Oh, hi Jake." Hailey greeted him, looking up. "Did you want anything?"

He took a deep breath in, nervous.

What's the worst that can happen? Just rip off the band-aid.

"Hailey- I- I have a crush on you!" He burst out, blushing at his own sudden confession.

She looked at him, frowning slightly. "This isn't a funny joke, Jake."

He ran his hand through his hair, slightly scared by her aggressive tone.

"I'm not joking." He responded, allowing the words to hang in the air as Hailey processed them.

Hailey, please. Don't reject me. Don't break my heart. Please.

Evidently, though, Hailey couldn't read minds and sighed. "Jake, I'm sorry..." She trailed off.

"You're just a friend to me."

Realizing she wasn't going to say more than that, he speed-walked away, running the moment he stepped outside the music club room.

Air. He needed air.

He managed to escape through the school doors, crying as he came to a stop outside.

She doesn't feel the same way... I'm just a friend to her.

Tears fell faster from his eyes, and the world went blurry around him. He walked quickly towards the general direction of his house, not wanting anyone to see him. But then-


A familiar voice called out to him, and he looked up to see Drew.

"What happened?" The magenta-haired boy asked, concerned.

"Hailey, she- she rejected me." He said, pulling Drew into an embrace and crying on his shoulder, failing to notice that the chocolate-eyed boy blushed slightly at this.

"It'll be alright, Jake." Drew said quietly, patting Jake's back comfortingly and fighting a smile.

His crush was available again.

Elliot's POV

Unknowingly, he'd decided to confess to his crush, Milly, at the same time as Jake... and had recieved the same response as Jake, too.

"If you asked me this a few months ago, I would've definitely said yes. But now... I'm sorry Elliot, I just don't feel that was about you."

Hearing this brought tears to his eyes and he grasped the rose in his hand tighter, the thorns poking into his skin.

"It's fine, Milly! I understand!" He said, forcing his words to come out as cheerful. I guess it just wasn't meant to be, he thought, trying not to dwell on the situation.

He walked back towards his house, pulling out his phone and looking for someone to talk to about it, so he could get all his feelings out. Looking at his contacts, he realized the only one he was really close with was Milly. Frowning, he tapped the screen angrily— and accidentally pressed to text Jake. Maybe this is some sign from the universe? Deciding to believe that, he started to write out a text, surprised at his own boldness. 'Hey, Jake' he typed out. 'I know we don't really talk much, but would you like to come hang out? I need to get something off my mind.'

Surprisingly enough, Jake answered within only a few minutes. 'sure! I need to get something off my mind too so where should I meet you? 👁👁'

Elliot texted the address of a park he liked, and started walking towards it. Maybe something good would come of today after all.

{ a/n from aetherena : i am SO sorry if this absolutely sucks- i hate it too, but i am clearly not the best at starting fics :') — nonetheless, i hope you enjoyed this ^^}

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