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Chapter by aetherena / aetherenax

Time went on, and the two boys' hearts quickly began to heal from the harsh sting of rejection, especially as they had numerous activities to do which distracted them.

Soon the weekend came, and they met up as they had planned, this time choosing to go to the mall.

"Hey!" Jake greeted his new friend cheerfully, admiring the way his glasses framed his face perfectly.

"Hi, Jake!" Elliot responded, face lighting up with happiness. "I've been studying way too much recently, so this is a welcome change." He wondered for a moment why he'd admitted this- typically, he was very shy when hanging out with someone new. But there was just something about Jake that made him easy to talk to.

He grinned at this. "Well, what store should we go to first?"


It was a few hours later, and they walked out of the mall, laughing and licking ice cream they'd bought inside.

"So, are you feeling better?" Elliot asked, turning towards Jake.

"Better about what?" He questioned, confused.

"You know- Hailey."

"It may be weird, but honestly? I'm moving on from her, fast. It's easier now that I know for sure she doesn't feel the same way."

Elliot nodded, feeling similarly with towards his situation with Milly.

"You know, we should try to get to know each other better. Ask me anything."

"Uh- what's your favourite colour?" Elliot asked, being put on the spot.

"That's what you wanna know about me?" The chocolate-eyed boy asked, laughing. "It's peach- like the ends of my hair. What about yours?"

"Green, which you could probably already tell, based on how much I like plants."

"Hey- since you like plants so much, what kind do you think I'd be?"

Elliot looked Jake up and down, assessing him. "An orange lily. One of the things they symbolize is confidence, and I think that suits you." He gave Jake a small smile, glad to have been asked about something he cared about.

"That's one of the things I've always admired about you, you know." Before Elliot had a chance to question what Jake meant, he continued on. "You seem to read people so easily, and you're not afraid of hiding your interests."

Just as Elliot opened his mouth to answer, they heard a loud crash, and turned to see what it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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