Chapter 3

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seventy two hours in a car is not exactly the best idea when your pregnant, every twenty minutes we were pulling over so I could heave onto the side of the road. We had to stop multiple times so I could get out and walk around since Id been cramping horribly and still this whole time no text from Liam I'm starting to think that this was a bad idea, but its to late to go back seeing as we're now only a half hour out of Wolverhampton. "Greg can you pull into a store or something I gotta pee."

He sighs as he pulls off into a gas station parking lot and I open the door walking in and use the bathroom when I get out I look around grabbing a water and some sunflower seeds since I dont wanna use the bathroom without buying something I walk up to the counter and put the stuff on it before pulling out my wallet. "Just like camp." I hear a familiar voice chuckle and I look up my eyes meeting with those beautiful copper eyes.

"LIam?" He smiles looking at me.

"Last time I checked that was my name." I blushed and he smiled "What are doing here didnt you say you lived some place in Ireland?"

I nod "Im up to see my parents." I say as he throws the things into a bag.

He nods "Well maybe we'll run into each other how long are you staying in Wolverhampton?" He asked handing me the bag as I handed him the money.

"Im not sure Ive got somthing I have to tell someone I guess it kinda depends on how he takes it." I say biting my lip as I look at him.

"Oh well we'll defiantly need to get together again sometime." I nod and he smiles "I left your number at camp it must have fallen out of my pocket what was it again?" I smile taking his phone and putting it in.

"You better text me sometime." I smile and he nods "I defiantly will." I nod before I walked to the door and out to Greg's car I couldn't tell him yet maybe after we start talking again. I smile slightly as Greg looked at me.

"Everything okay in there." And I nod as he pulls out of the gas station and heads to our parents house this should be fun.


I bit my lip as I stood out side the huge house of my parents Greg grabbing the bags out of the back since he said I shouldn't be doing any heavy lifting even though a suitcase of clothes is'nt that heavy. I bit my lip knocking on the door waiting for someone I hadn't seen in fifteen years to answer the door and I was supposed to call them my parents. The door opened and a smiling woman came to the door "Oh Niall look at how big you've gotten oh my Bobby come see him." She shouted as she wear a expensive looking dress obviously leaving Greg and I behind didn't damage them at all. I give her a small smile as she moves allowing me and Greg to come in "Now Niall your rooms upstairs and Greg's yours is right threw the kithen to the left she smiled disappearing as I looked to Greg

"Oh we even have our own rooms how nice."

"Ni play nice we are gonna be here for a while longer then you thought." I look at him.

"What do you mean?" 

"Ni we don't have the money to live on our own we're gonna live here until I can get it"

My eyes widen "Your joking right?" He shakes his head and my face falls "Greg how am I supposed to hid a baby from them?"

"You'll just have to tell them the truth Niall."

Niall shook his head picking his bags up this wasn't him this wasn't how he lived he wasn't used to living in a house that was more money then he'd ever see in his life he wasn't into having millions of dollars. Niall walked into his room seeing the flat screen TV, Other electrical things, A king sized bed, and an amazing view over the neighbors view what good would that ever do him? He sighed as he walked into the walk in closet and started putting away his clothes before hearing his mom call through the intercom, yeah the house was so big that they needed a intercom, that they were having the neighbors over for dinner. Niall shook his head as he slipped on jeans and a button up plaid blue shirt before making his way downstairs just in time to hear the door bell ring so he walked over opening surprised to see Liam standing there with his parents, oh great he was his neighbour that made this even more hard on Niall.

 (The picture is Nialls room)

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