Chapter 6

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I heard a loud banging on my door.
"What...?" I looked at my clock and it said 2:00am.
I got up and was about to open the door.
"It's me! Let me in!" Ace yelled.
I quickly opened the door.
"Ace?! What happened?!" I questioned.
"They are after me." He said with wide eyes.
"Wait who's after you??" I was so confused by what was happening.
"Dy-" right before he could say anything there was 5 gun shots.
Our eyes went wide.
Ace stumbled back and put his hand in his stomach.
He lifted it up and his hand was dark red.
He fell to his knees.
"A-Ace!!!" I screamed and quickly grabbed him.
I grabbed a shirt and placed it on his wound.
I grabbed my phone and started to call the cops.
"Hello, what's your emergency??" They asked.
"My friend was shot!!" I yelled.
They told me to calm down and explain what happened and I told them where I was.
"Okay the ambulance is on your way, keep pressure on the wound. Did you see who did this??"
"I-I didn't! They were in front of my dorm."
Ace started to mumble.

The ambulance soon arrived and we hopped on.
Ace looked at me.
"'s the people who killed Dylan...."
Ace had a grip on my hand.
"W-Who is it??" I asked, but right after I did his eyes closed slowly and he let go of my hand.
The machine went to a long beep.
The doctors started to push me out of the way.
We made it to the hospital and rushed him to the emergency room.

I have been here for 1 hour so far.
I kept looking at the tv until the doctor came out and I quickly stood up.
"I'm sorry, he didn't make it." The doctor said.
I could feel my throat tighten again.
"T-Thank you...." I said as I sat back down.
I don't know how this could've happened.
I felt absolutely terrible, and angry...very angry.
I quickly got up.
"Before you go!" The doctor handed me a note with my name on it.
I quickly opened it.
*look at the journal in my room.*
I started to run to my car and sped off to the dorm.

I quickly got into his room and went through all his books trying to find his journal.
I then came across a black notebook that, nothing written on it.
I opened it and it started in may 13, 2018.
I started flipping the pages to try and find the right place.
I found the page the first day at the school.
-Today was absolutely terrible, first my I lost one of my suitcases and then my car broke down.
On the bright side I met this guy named Aiden. He seems like a kind guy, someone I can trust. -
"Trust? What does he mean by that...." I questioned.
I skipped the next few days.
-I feel like there are some people following Aiden around. I could be mistaken but it's always a group of people, the same group of people....-
My eyes went wide as I went even further.
-Dylan noticed that Aiden has been followed as well. He said he was going to face them later. I told him it was an terrible idea, but he said he had to figure out what's going on. -
I skipped to the next day.
-Dylan sent me a video of what happened that night. It turned out they are wanting to get rid of everyone. I'm surprised but also not too surprised that it's-
The page just ended.
He never finished it.
I heard a bang on the door.
I quickly turned around.
I didn't make a sound as the banging continued.
There was a note slipped under the door.
-I know who did it.-
I opened the door to see a group of people.
At that moment I felt so stupid.
"Who are you??" I asked taking out my pocket knife.
They all stayed silent until one came out from the back.
"We've been payed to murderer everyone in this school, well except you that is." The guy replied.
I was speechless.
"We've come to take you away from the school before the bomb goes off." He then nodded his head and two people came up to me and put a rag over my mouth and nose.

-740 words

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