Chapter 2: Call Me

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(okay i'm not sure if this is confusing or not but this is basically like the same time as the other chapter just Sapnaps pov, also sorry if there is a lot of spelling mistakes I finished this at 5 in the morning and i'm tired so goodnight for me rn <3)

Word count: 3488

Sapnap was sitting in some boring class just playing with his pencil waiting for the class to end. He looked up at the clock and just as he did the bell rang indicating school was over. Sapnap packed his bag and started to leave walking into the hallway before feeling someone come up behind him pulling his bag. He got pulled back slightly as they now were to the side of him.

"Hey Sap you coming out for burgers later?" Dream said as he put his hand on Sapnaps shoulder now walking beside him.

"Uh yeah sure with who else?"

"Me, You, George, and the guy Karl you met earlier is that okay? I know you guys just met but he's our friend you know?" Dream said as they walked out the door to the parking lot. It's not like Sapnap cared if Karl came with he just didn't know him that well but he was happy to be able to get to know him better. He really seemed like a good guy to Sapnap.

"Yeah that's fine." Sapnap said as they started to parted ways to their cars.

"Alright bye Sap see you later." Dream said giving him a wave goodbye as he got in his car.

"Yup see you there" Sapnap said as he also got into his car turning it on. He started to back out of the parking lot. As he was leaving he saw Karl walking alone. For a second he thought about giving him a ride and maybe they could get to know each other better before going out together. Just as he was about to roll down his window he heard his phone going off. He looked back at the road before checking the text. It was from Dream and it read:

"I'll pick you up at 6"

He quickly sent a message back looking up at the road before he sent it. He looked back up and Karl was gone. He started to drive home looking at the sidewalk occasionally to see if he's still walking, but he wasn't. He was gone already. Sapnap didn't think about it that much he was sure that he got home okay. At least he hoped.

He soon pulled into the driveway of his house parking his car there. He got out and walked into his house to be greeted by his father.

"Hey kiddo did you have a good day?" His father spoke out to him as he pulled him into a hug. Sapnap hugged back before answering.

"Dad I told you to stop calling me that i'm not a kid anymore." Sapnap said as there embrace lifted.

"I know I just miss when you were so little." His father said as he put his hands on his shoulders looking at him.

"I get it, how was your day?" Sapnap asked as he took his shoes off.

"Pretty good same old stuff." He said with a pause before speaking again.

"Hey are you doing anything tonight?" His father said they walked to the kitchen now.

"Yeah I was gonna have dinner with my friends. Is that okay?" Sapnap said grabbing an apple out the fruit bowl tossing it into the air before catching it again.

"Yes that's fine but remember i'll be on a trip for a couple days so make sure you take care of the house. I'll leave whenever you leave to go out with your friends." His father said as he patted Sapnaps back walking into a different room to finish packing his bags for his trips.

Sapnap nodded before leaving the kitchen making his way up the stairs to his room. He opened his door and set down his bag sitting down on his bed before taking out his phone. He scrolled through his phone for a little bit and occasionally taking a bit out of the apple that he took from the kitchen until he heard a knock on his door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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