Chapter Ten- A Close Call

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        Colin held Jennifer's hand as they made their way through the dusty tunnels, only this time they were mapping on what was where. As they walked, Jennifer looked to Colin and felt content. Even though the latest events had been hectic and scary even, he helped her through every scenario in one way or another. She snatched onto his arm and pulled him from walking any further.

        "What is it?" he asked with his hand now on her cheek.

        "I really love you, with all I am..."

        "You are perfect...beautiful...Mine." He said pulling her to him.

        She stood slightly elevated and kissed against his lips. They got lost in the kiss, he pushed her back against the wall, causing it to creak. Giggling at this, he slowly continued to kiss her, eventually sucking on her bottom lip then moving to her neck. She rested her head against the wooden wall before she kissed him. Colin had his hands rested on her hips as he kissed her as she ran her fingers through his hair entirely-causing it to become quite a mess.

        "How is it you make me want you even in these circumstances?" He asked by her ear as he nibbled on it, before going to her shoulder.

        Blushing at his statement, she watched as he slowly took her shirt and slid the strap off her shoulder. He kissed the spots in which were open before doing the same to the other shoulder. Going back up to her lips, he watched as she squirmed beneath him. He favored moments like these in which he held the control. He told her this as he kissed her once more, this time lingering on her lips.

        But as their moment became almost too hot to handle, a noise was heard within a short distance. Not lingering to find out who, they found a small nook and hid in it as the people walked by. Just in a flash, Jennifer saw something too familiar. The wind taking a long distance of red hair. Ellie was one of the people the secret tunnels. If she couldn't trust her before-she knew she couldn't now.

        Jennifer and Colin listened to every move they made and found they ended in a room still below ground, one not mapped. They slowly followed them before realizing it was too risky. Placing a marker on the map, they turned to leave but found a rat in their path. Jennifer let out a loud shriek, alarming the people in the room close by. Using their new map, they chose the closest escape and climbed quickly to city-level. He wiped a piece of dirt from her face before they walked slowly back to the bed and breakfast. Entering their room, they found an unpleasant surprise...

        The carcass of a dead animal-what looked like a chicken was cut up and bloody in their bed. It smelled incredibly awful. This was the final straw for Colin. Taking their luggage, he demanded a refund on his money and they went further down town to a hotel. It was far more spacious, and went twelve levels up instead of two. The security was also much better. Checking in, they noticed a large bookshelf in their room. Uncommon in hotel rooms, especially in a place you would stay only a short while.

        Playing with the shelf, they found it to open, this was another path through the tunnels. But in case the others lingered in the dusty mines, they decided to linger on the streets, at least for the next few days.

        "What do we do for a few hours?" Jennifer asked, completely oblivious.

        "Well..." He said, moving closer to her. "The shower looks far more grand in room, we could..." He pushed her against him. "Try it out..."

        "Aren't you tired?"

        He shook his head. "I crave you..." He whispered into her neck, causing her knees to fall weak as he held her.

        "Then do something about it..."

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