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(A/N: nobody will read this buuut .... Sasori and Deidei are brothers- Sasori is older! Have fun reading, y'know?)

•Deidei's POV•

I was sitting on my bed, starting at the celling. It's so quiet.... Too quiet. My eyes flickered to the door. "Oh, it's you Sasori." I sat up quickly. Stupid squeaky mattress, I'll explode you one day.

"Yo, Deidara. put on your swim trunks, We're going to the city pool." I jumped in excitement. "WHAT!? REALLY!" I got off the bed, and ran to my elder brother. "Hey get out of my face, girl~" the red head teased. "Hey I'm not a girl! I could prove it." I said, stomping my foot and puffing my cheeks. "Ew! No! That's gross!" Sasori nearly screamed. Ha! Who's the girl now, girl!

"Whatever, I'm leaving so get ready. And I'm not helping you." Sasori said switching his gaze to my swim trunks. "Oh yeah? Well, I wasn't going to ask for it! So just leave!" I scoffed as he walked back to his own room.

I'll explode him at the pool! Uh... I should get ready, I mean we're going to my second favorite place! The dango shop is my first favorite.

I walked over to my dresser, that my trunks were on the top of. I took off my hoodie that was coded with red clouds. Then I took off my shorts, and put on my swim trunks.

*18 minutes later*

I ran to the door and waited for my brother, dad, and mama.(lmao in this his parents are pein and konan! XD) soon they arrived. "Wow, brother got ready quickly." Sasori said sarcastically. "Hey! Quit it!" Mama said slapping Sasori straight across the face. "Konan. Don't play favorites with the kids." Dad's calm. Like always. I thought, rolling my eyes. "MOM!! DEIDARA ROLLED HIS EYES AT ME!!" Sasori shouted. He didn't sound that mad, he was obviously being sarcastic, I mean after all he knows I'm rolling my eyes at a thought. Mama slapped him again. She's definitely playing favorites, and it's me. I mean Dad is too, he likes Sasori.

"C'mon, lets just go." I spoke like I was royalty, I only did so because I know that mama will agree with me. "Ok Deidei." I was right. Again.

We walked out the door, and got in the car. On the way there we found a puppy and mama let me keep it! I named her 'Rin'. It seemed like a suiting name for the cutie. Mama also let me bring her to the pool because we have a floaty she can sit in.

When we got there I hoped out of the car and got the floaty. "Hmph, Miss gets everything she wants." Sasori huffed. "Hey I'm not a girl." I said calmly trying not to scare Rin. "And?" "So Don't call me 'miss'." I was holding Rin in my arms and rocking her back and forth. "Mama! Mama! Can I take her on the water slide?" I shouted making someone look at me. "Sure sweetie!" Mama said grabbing the rest of the stuff.

I ran to a spot near the pool and sat down with Rin. Hey, that same guy is starting at me... "Rin, want me to blow this floaty up for you?" Rin barked and wagged her tail in agreement. "Ok cutie!" I started blowing my breathe into the (Thick) floaty ((yep, I did that on purpose btw;_;)). That guy was still staring at me.

*Two minutes later*

I went up the stairs to the top of the water slide, with Rin. "Hey Rin have you seen that guy who's been staring at me?" I asked the little puppy. She whined. I think that means no...

Then to my surprise, the guy that was starting at me was already at the top of the slide. He had black hair and a Orange mask that looked like a pumpkin. He looks really stupid. Low-key kind of makes me want to explode him. "Hey, you! Why were you staring at me earlier! Y'perv!" I raised my voice at him. He looks older then me up close. Way older than me... "Oh, you just look interesting. I'm not staring in a sexual way!" His voice was so... Childish... It sounds stupid...

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