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(A/N: Hey guys! I just wanted to say sorry for not posting much, well... Not posting at all. I told someone I would continue, and never did. So sorry. I hope you enjoy this shity chapter☺︎︎♡︎)

•Deidaras POV•

When we got home I didn't dare unfold the piece of paper, although I was curious, I continue to hold back the urge. That guy was hot though.... AGH- WHAT IM I THINKING!? Someone must be crazy to like that childish- before I finished my sentence - that was in my head - I saw the door burst open.

"YOUR FATHER, HE LET ME UNDRESS THEN KICKED ME OUT OF OUR ROOM-" screamed my mom, naked, and covering the front side of her body with the wet towel she had previous used to dry herself after swimming.

"OH MY LORD, MOM!!" I spoke briefly, turning my head in terror of the horrid thing I had just witnessed. "Here, uhm... TAKE THIS PLEASE." I said and quickly slipping off my hoodie, and handing it to my dear mother. My darling birth giver.

After all she brought me into this world, now that I really think about it, I must have been blessed to have such a wonderful mother. I appreciate her, a hole lot.

"Oh my god, thank you so much baby." She said putting on my hoodie, now I'm cold though.

*Two hours later*

I was laying in the living room, on the floor of course. I reached I to my pocket and pulled out the piece of paper, it was crushed. "Why haven't you thrown that out yet, little brother." Sasori said, in his calm and relaxed, soothing voice. Ugh, he got all the good genetics. "Why haven't you got a girlfriend yet, big brother." I said, slightly annoyed. "Heh, that funny." He walked over to me, as if he was trying to flirt. Disgusting.

He sat down next to me. "Well, are you going to open it or not? I can tell your eager to. So open it." "Well it's non of your business what it is, that guy gave it to me, not you." I said opening my phone, and heading to 'contacts'. "So you are going to open it. Funny, you already knew it would be a phone number." He said, nonchalant, laughing slightly. "Well why wouldn't it be, idiot." I raised my voice a bit.

I opened the paper to see exactly what I thought, a phone number. I inserted it into my phone. "I'm going to call the number, so don't Say anything." "Sir, yes ma'am."




"Heeeeeeeeello??" I put him on speaker. "Hi, I'm Deidara..." *Gasp* "DEIDARA SENPAI!? YOU ACTUALLY OPENED THE PAPER! YAY! I WAS WONDERIN-" "OH MY LORD-" I cut off his sentence. "talk normally, DONT YELL"

"Oh- sorry senpai..." He wined. "Oh stop, it's not cute to act like a child." "Senpai, it's not acting..." He said, with the same squeaky voice. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come over, to my place." He said, kinda cutely. NOT. CUTE- "I don't really want to-" he cut me off!? "I could go over to your place!" Oh my, he really is desperate... "Fine... But only this once!" I said. "Your blushing" sasori whispered, followed with a small chuckle.

"Ok, just send me your address!" Ugh... I don't even remember his name... "wait, what's your name again? I forgot." "Tobi, T O B I!" He really spelt out his name for me. I could feel my face grow red, I smiled. WAIT, WHAT AM I THINKING! GET THIS SHIT OFF MY FACE!! -

"Well, I'll be seeing you soon. Don't forget to send me your address! Bye!"


Ugh, I hate him... I don't even know him... I should go get my hoodie from mom.

*40 minutes later*

*Ding, dong*

"Is someone supposed to come over?!" Mom shouted, he probably heard her.
"Yes, the guy from the pool, remember? He gave me that piece of paper while we were leaving." "Oh yeah!" I went up to the door and open it. "SENPAI!" he hugged me tighter then dad's piercings. "Ah-" *moans* WHAT THE ACTUAL FUUUUUUCK-- "awe, cute!♡︎☺︎︎" he said because I arched my back, I don't like this. HOW OLD IS HE ANYWAYS!?

"HEY!! LET G-" I couldn't finish my sentence. I didn't have the breath. "T-" I held back a moan. "ugh. TOBI!!" I screamed. "Oh- sorry! I got a little carried away! I'm I... A..." Tobi quickly turned around and sat down. "A what?" I said, acting like I didn't care. I do care though, I'm curious. "Am I a... B-... Bad boy..." He said slightly turning to look a me through the small hole In his mask. "WHAT KIND OF A QUESTION IS THAT!?" I said, jumping back, as my face turned pink.

"Uh- SENPAI!?" He said catching me. I'm kinda glad he did, I didn't even realize I was falling. "Ah- Tobi..." I said in an odd tone. I know what time that was... And I know why I said it in that tone. Ugh... "Oops, you almost fell." He said in his man-child voice. "Tobi-" he had his arms wrapped around my waist and his... You know... Was directly on my ass... It felt like he was purposefully pressing it against me.

"Dinners ready!" My mother shouted from the kitchen, dad and sasori were at the table in no time. "Deidara Senpai-" I slid out of his arms, ran to the table, and sat down. Tobi followed and sat next to me, he scooted closer to me. "Hey senpai how old are you?" he whispered in my ear. (A/N: I'm not going by their ages in the anime:3) "16... Why?" I asked. he turned his head away, I barely saw under his mask. He's blushing... Alot. Why though?

He can't be much older than me right??

(A/N: Hey guys/girls/people! Sorry this was so short. The next chapter will probably be longer! {no guarantees} I'm not going to edit/spell check this, so if there is a grammmar issue that you just can't understand, please go back and comment on it and I will tell you what it means! Thank you to all the people who read this!! Please have a AWESOME day/night! Ily!<3)

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