"Spending the... NIGHT!?"

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(A/N: sorry I haven't been posting much, I've been busy with school and other things. an e way z... Hope you enjoy!!<3)

°POV Deidara°

We were all sitting at the table together. Sasori and dad were talking about Rin. She was eating her food, next to me, of course. Tobi whistled, "Rin." Rin came over to him and whined. "Deidei! I made food. Eat it! I worked so hard. I even made sushi! FROM SCRATCH!" my mother shouted. "Ok, ok" I said calmly, grabbing my chopsticks. "Hey, Um... Ma'am. Where are the restrooms?" Tobi said, obviously pretending to be nervous. "Oh, Deidei, why don't you show your friend where the restroom is?" My mother said so sweetly, how could I say 'no'? "Yes mother." I spoke kindly to my mother, I would hate for her to be sad.

Tobi stood up, I grabbed his wrist. "This way." I said quietly and in a irritated voice. "Yes senpai!" He responded. "You can stop with that stupid, winey, childish, dumb voice. I know that's not natural." I said stopping next to the bathroom. "Most people say that my voice doesn't match my looks..." He said softly, turning his gaze to the floor. "I don't care just stop talking like that. Anywho, there's the bathroom. Come back when your done." I said, walking away. But than Tobi put his hand on my waist, and pulled my towards him. Than put his other hand on my... Ass... "HEY!?" I shouted, "LET GO!". "Would you rather me talk like this he said in a... Really... Really... Really... REALLY... Deep voice...

It felt like my whole body turned red in that one moment. "Told ya it didn't match." He said chuckling, then removed his mask just enough to reveal his lips. He kissed my forehead. "T-Tobi?" I stuttered.

•|To be continued|•

(A/N: I couldn't finish this at the moment because of "quality family time" so I'll finish this later, hope you enjoyed! And don't forget to vote! Love ya!<3)

•|Recently added|•                          Apr. 30, 24

(A/N: Hey yo, I haven't been on wattpad in a few years and I just reread this the other night so I'd like to say a few things. First off, I am so sorry to anyone who read this or is going to read this. Second off, the following content may be an improvement or an downgrade. Third off, I'm going to try and keep the original idea going (If I can even remember) - Anyways, let's get to it!☠️😭)

•Obito's Pov•

To think I already have so much control over this boy.. It's almost uncomfortable,.. yet, I'm thriving off the feel of his skin.. I thought to myself.

The back of my hand grazed his cheek.

I love the concerned look of his eyes; he's so adorable.

Suddenly, Deidara shoved me away. I hit my head on the bathroom tile.

"Oh, Deidaraaa," I groaned in my high-pitched voice, rubbing the low bump, rising on the back of my head, "what was that for!"

"For being a creep," the blonde scoffed, hiding part of his face with his hand.

I brought myself off the ground and laughed, "I take it you don't want me getting to close." Since you fucking pushed me, you brat. That pissed me off.

"Yeah, yeah, something like that," Deidara said with a scummy grin, "just use the bathroom, I don't care. I'm going back to the table." He started to walk away.

"Oh, no, what a pity," I whispered sarcastically, hoping to irritate the boy. Someone needs a little humbling. I've never met a kid with this kind of attitude, it's kinda turning me on. No. I need to stay focused.

As I'd hoped, Deidara stopped and whipped his head back towards me. He almost said something, then sighed and turned away again. Not what I'd hoped.

I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I don't know what to do. Fuck, I don't even know how I got to his house.


If he called me over there must be some interest, yes? but what do I do with this.


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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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