Chapter 4: Welcome to Looney Tune's World

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 The Loud Kid's and The Casagrandes Along with LeBron James Crash Landing into Looney Tune's World Because The Loud kid's and The Casagrandes are toon's They can survive anything.

Lynn Loud Jr got out of the Hole along with her family and friend's The Casagrandes.

Lynn loud Jr talk to the Viewer's.

Lynn Loud Jr: Wow that was one crazy fall and I'm Glag me my Sibings and my friend's Are toon's we Can Survive Anything right guy's.

Lincoln and the rest of his sister's along with the casagrandes got out of the hole

Lincoln loud: Yup that's right lynn and I'm so happy to vist looney toon world home of bugs bunny and his friend's But Were are they last time we vist looney tunes world Were we steal zim ship there are so many toon's here but this place is too empty and were is LeBron James Anyway?

Leni Loud: I Know don't were he is Lincoln but I think crash in the small hole.

Lynn loud jr: Let's go find him over there in the small hole.

Ronnie anne: Mr LeBron James Were are you?

Sergio: Hey LeBron James I can help you find you if you give me all your money.

Ronnie anne and her family: SERGIO!

Sergio: oh Sorry guy's.

The Loud kid's and The Casagrandes Run to the hole to find LeBron James and they found him.

Lynn Loud Jr: Mr Lebron are you ok.

LeBron James: I'm ok lynn and you and your brother and sister's and The Casagrandes help me out of this hole.

Lynn Loud Jr: Alright Mr Lebron.

Lynn Loud Jr: Ok loud's let's free LeBron James out of this hole.

The loud kid's: Loud's never Quit Loud's never quit.

The Loud kid's and The Casagrandes got LeBron James out of the hole.

LeBron James: thank's guy's to save my life and What is this?

Lebron james look around this place.

Leni loud: mr lebron I just love your new look.

Lebron james: what new look! [looks down at himself and sees he's a cartoon just like the loud kid's and The Casagrandes.] [gasps] I'm shorter than Kevin Hart! No, no, no! [blows]

Lebron turn around and twist himself and he spin around flying. [legs whirring]

The Loud kid's and The Casagrandes Laughing at Lebron James because he turn into a Cartoon Character.

Luan Loud: I Guess Lebron James is going for A spin HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Get it Get it.

Lebron James: [yells] Wow ohhhhhhhh.

LeBron James: What the...? I'm a cartoon? JUST LIKE you LINCOLN LOUD AND HIS SISTER'S along with The Casagrandes? Is this where the game is gonna happen?

[clock chiming in distance]

The Loud kids The Casagrandes and Lebron Jame's look at the Game Clock

Various! The Loud Kid's Adventure In Space Jam: A New Legacy InsertWhere stories live. Discover now