The Aftermath with a side of danger

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No one's POV:

(the aftermath theme song plays)

Geoff: Welcome to total drama aftermath, I'm Geoff

Brigette: and I'm Brigette. This time we'll have the last five contests of total drama all-stars, there will be some love.

Geoff: and drama, don't forget the drama.

Brigette: well we also have not only all our friends from all three seasons, but we also got all the guys from season four, in the peanut gallery.

Geoff: so we got: Alejandro, Beth, Blaineley, Cody, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Justin, Katie, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen, Sadie, Sierra, Trent, and Tyler.

Brigette: for season four we got: Anne Maria, B, Brick, Dakota, Dawn, Jo, Lightning, Sam, Scott, and Staci.

Geoff: and also here but of our safety and in a cage its Ezekiel

(chef roll a cage with the deformed teen in)

Heather: you let that guy (points to Ezekiel) here, he stolen my million dollars

Geoff: don't worry, that's why he's in a cage.

Brigette: so glad I wasn't on all-stars, I would be scared of that muted shard. But here are the campers that will be in the hot step.

Geoff: Gwen,

Brigette: Courtney,

Geoff: Cameron,

Brigette: Mike,

Geoff: and Zoey.

Duncan: um why are Gwen and Courtney are here?

Geoff: ah cause we can, and maybe we told Courtney that she could apologize to someone on the show.

Brigette: well I hope that someone doesn't kill her.

Geoff: anyway, here is our first guest, not only he won season four, is a "bubble" boy,

Brigette: and he's smart and terrified of Izzy,

Geoff: it's Cameron.

(Cameron walks over to the two couches and takes a seat by Geoff)

Brigette: nice to meet you, Cameron

Cameron: Hi Brigette, hi Geoff.

Geoff: hey dude

Brigette: now let's take a look at his journey on both seasons, started with being out of his bubble for the first time, Cameron had nothing to help him with being on total drama.

Geoff: but the dude made some friends but happens to keep a secret of Mike and help him out.

Brigette: he made it all the way to the end, and won the season. In all-stars, it was harder for him.

Geoff: the dude even had a full body cast and in a plastic ball.

Brigette: but had been brought back to help Zoey in the end.

Geoff: with Gwen also to help.

Brigette: so Cameron, how did it feel being on total drama

Cameron: well it was my first time outside my bubble, but other than the dangerous stuff that either happened on its own or Chris did it, it was an amazing bit all-stars as well . . .

Geoff: totally insane, because of mal?

Brigette: really Geoff some people don't want to hear him again

Cameron: I was going to say painful

Geoff: oh, anyway it's time for truth or toxic waste.

(The song played and toxic waste is dropped on the statue)

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