chapter 9- vy-chan

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Gray turned to see who stood in the opening in the guild. All he could see was a flash of blue hair running towards him. He expected to be hugged by Juvia but the flash of blue hair passed him.
The next thing he saw was Levy hugging Rose. He was quite dissapointed when he realised the blue hair belonged to Levy. Juvia was nowhere to be seen. There was even more confusion. Why did Levy hug a stranger?

'Rose, I though I lost you', Levy cried. Big tears rolled over her cheeks.

Rose herself doubted if she could trust her. She even looked towards Gray with a quetionable expression.
'Don't you reconise me?' Levy asked. She looked up and Rose was able to look her into the eye.
'Vy-chan', she choked on her own words when she realised this little girl was her little sister. When she heard the master of the guild speak about a Levy, she forced herself to reject the idea that this could be her sister.
Suddenly she felt exhausted and dropped to her knees. Levy fell on her knees aswell, while keeping her in her arms.

They both cried for a while. Everyone in the guild gave them some space. Between their cries they asked each other questions, like where they have been and what they've been doing. And they both couldn't give the other a proper response.

When they both calmed down, they stood up. Levy led her to a nearby table. Mirajane gave them both a drink and a kind smile. Rose was the first to ask what she did while she was gone. Levy was in the middle of her story of their 7 year sleep when Gajeel sat at the same table. He just sat there, he said nothing but Rose shot him the evil-eye.

'Rose, this is Gajeel... and this is Lily' she added when Lily landed on the table.

Rose stayed silent. She was unsure what she had to say to them. It was clear to everyone she wanted the unwanted visitors gone as soon as possible.

Gajeel himself didn't know how to react to the hostilaty from the shrimp's sister. He quickly asked what he came for. 'Did you find a trail to Juvia?'

Levy shook her head and her smile dropped for a moment. 'No'

Gajeel nodded understanding and left the table and the hostile sister. He united with Lily in a corner of the guild.

Rose seemed to relax again when Gajeel and Lily left. 'Who was he?', she whispered the question to Levy.
'They are both friends of mine', Levy answered with a smile.
'Really?' Rose looked towards Gajeel for a moment. 'He doesn't seem like any of your childhood friends'.
'He might not look like it, but he is more of a friend than I could wish for'.

They continued to chat. Meanwhile Gray was talking with Mirajane and Lucy.

Lucy was able to tell Gray that Natsu was able to find a trail. But he lost it quickly. It seemed Juvia entered the train. That's all they knew. It only meant she could be anywhere. There was a big chance she traveled further away then Gray anticipated.

The thought of him loosing Juvia was terrible. The nervous feeling in his stomach grew till he got naucious. It worsened when Gajeel walked out of the corner and towards them.
'Oi Gray. Did you even search for Juvia?', he asked. He must have tried to soften his voice, but it sounded angry anyway. Gray cringed in guilt when Gajeel spoke. He knew Gajeel has been trying to find the watermage.

The feeling lingered a while now. He did feel guilty. He told her to go, after she saw him stepping out the shower. He didn't even get the chance to apologise.

'But...', this time Gajeel didn't sound angry. 'But thank you for finding Levy's sister. She didn't want to tell the others, but she did mourn for the loss of Rose. I'd never expect her to be alive..... So thanks'.
Lily was nodding the whole time that Gajeel was talking to Gray.

Gray looked up at the dragon slayer and smiled. 'I promise I will find Juvia as well'

'You better', Gajeel growled in a strange but kind way. He returned the smile.

Gajeel and Gray continued a small chat until they heard Rose scream.

'WHAT!? Why are you choosing his side?' she yelled.

Levy was startled when Rose jumped up like that. 'I'm not picking a side! I'm just saying he didn't do it on purpose'.

Gajeel stood up and walked towards them. Gray followed, feeling he had to take the heat instead of Levy.

'What are ya talking about shrimp?' Gajeel stood next to her.

'It's nothing', Levy tried to push him away. She didn't want the situation to escalate. Sadly Gray joined them, making things much worse. She could've calmed her sister if it wasn't for the two idiots.

'Don't call her shrimp. Not her fault she's short!', Rose snapped at Gajeel.

'Please Gajeel. I can handle it', Levy kept pushing Gajeel but he didn't budge.

'I call her whatever I want', Gajeel huffed. He didn't want to fight shrimps sister, but she was asking for it!

'ARGH', Rose yelled in frustration. She jumped up. Ready to claw Gajeel where ever she could.

'Don't...!' Levy screamed when she saw her sister jump up. This situation escalated way too fast.

Just before Rose was able to reach Gajeel, Gray was able to grab her by waist and remove her from the iron dragon slayer.

'Let go of me, you &%$#"!―&%$#', she started to curse. She clawed blindly, hoping she could hit someone.

Gray held her and avoided her sharp nails till she calmed down. Levy convinced Gajeel to leave and by the time Rose calmed down, he was out of the guild.

When Rose stopped fighting, Gray released his grip. Levy took over by giving her a hug. Anger changed to a desprate cry. Rose had no control here, but she did on her mountain. She missed it in a strange way but she didn't want to return. Within the safe arms of her little sister she dared to cry.

'I will lift your curse, promised', Levy said it over and over again. Not sure Rose could hear her when she cried. She hugged her tighter when Rose wrapped her arms around her.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now