Chapter Twenty-one - Josh

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I felt better after opening up to Sam, and he seemed to be better after telling me about how he survived, I don't know If I would have coped the way he had, I still had hope my mum was alive

"that's my house down there" Sam said as we reached the top of the hill, the tiny ridge which he'd called a cliff was laughable, but it was cute he doted on his little sister like that.

"the view is amazing here" I could see for miles, fields and stone walls and down into the village where we first met, off in the distance a caged and walled building with giant white walls and a huge dome over the top

"that's the sanctuary, there is a hotel there too I think and some crazy western themed town for the kids, all the tourists go there"

"who would put a bird sanctuary and a western together"

"hey don't judge it, kids loved it, my sister always used to like going, they would charge you £10 for a pencil in the gift shop, I bet they printed money there"

"I hope my mums there"

"I hope so too, it about time we had some good fortune" Sam reassured me

"come on let me teach you how to shoot that bow" he pointed to the edge of the tree line, "if we stay quiet we might see some rabbits, but the basics first, get your bow out"

I held the bow and put an arrow in my hand not really knowing what to do as Sam laughed shaking his head

"well you're holding it all wrong and your feet are all wrong, here" he gently pushed my feet out with his own, standing behind me and twisting my torso, his paws on the side of my chest, and then pulling my elbow and bow up lining my eye with the arrow.

Every time he connected with me I longed for more, I wanted him so much but this morning it was like nothing had happened, like we didn't even kiss, this was the same with Mike, the night before we would have been wrapped in each other's arms fucking each other and then the morning after...nothing.

Maybe it was the whiskey, I wish I'd let him touch me just a little longer last night, I was weak.

I couldn't have another relationship like the one I had with Mike, we needed a boundary even if it were the apocalypse.

If he wanted me then fine, but I wasn't going to be a casual hook up, I had to stay strong, but Sam made it difficult.

"ok great stance, now let's talk aim" Sam said smiling at me "see if you can hit that tree"

He pointed to a thin sapling a fair distance away, I was never going to hit that...

"remember take a breath, hold it use the power of your arms"

I drew the bow

"elbow up" he instructed, "breathe"

I did as he asked and steadied the bow letting the arrow fly and keeping my left arm locked like he instructed.

It flew through the air and the top half of the tree splintered and snapped to the ground; Sam jumped around running to the tree

"you got it... look at that!" a big grin on his face, it was infectious, I smiled back

"you're a natural, come on" he grabbed my arm passing me the arrow, pulling me to the tree line

"shhh, your so heavy footed" he said crouching down in the leaves

I looked around to see what he was looking at but couldn't see it until he tapped me on the shoulder

"there" he whispered pointing off into the woods.

A browny grey rabbit sat upright looking out across the floor, Sam tapped me again and pointed to the bow.

The rabbit was closer than the tree and it was larger, I took aim and Sam adjusted my elbow before I let the arrow go

The rabbit dropped to the floor as Sam shrieked in delight bounding towards the rabbit

"you did it Josh; I'm going to make the best rabbit you've ever had" he said

"well I've never had it before"

"exactly so no matter how bad it is, it will be the best rabbit you've ever had" he smiled pulling a knife out from his backpack.

"best to do it while they're warm, so you know... look away if you want but its no worse than zombies."

I watched in amazement as he slit the skin open and tore it off like a caveman, before taking the innards out.

Sam got an old bread bag out of his backpack and dropped the rabbit into it tying it up neatly, his white paws now a shade of crimson as he headed up to the field wall

"theres a drinking trough up here for the sheep" he said running off, dipping his hands behind the stone wall as I caught up

"Josh the hunter gatherer" he said with a smile, "who needs co-op when I've got you"

He had a point, "why didn't we think of this sooner, we could trap all sorts of things in this forest"

"yeah we could, but let's find your mum first, come on let's make a fire and cook some rabbit"

I followed Sam in his new found excitement with the world, we were close to the sanctuary now but I was feeling hungry.

Sam made a fire from some small twigs and got the fire going well, he made a makeshift spit for the rabbit and kept turning it as we both sat there licking our lips watching the meat cook and turn a golden brown above the flames.

"here" Sam said offering me half a rabbit on a stick, "you get honours first" he waited patiently for me to take a bite.

The meat was tough, but it tasted great, I was soon devouring it all as Sam tucked into his half.

"you know one good thing about all this" Sam waved his arms to the world "you know the zombies and all, we're free aren't we?"

"what do you mean"

"well I don't have a farm to run, you don't have a business to run, its just nature isn't it, zombies and murderers aside of course, but I feel free"

I kind of understood what he meant.

I dropped the bones from the rabbit on the floor plucking the last of the meat from it.

"best rabbit I've ever had" I said smiling

"I don't know whether that's a compliment or not" Sam said, smiling "come on we should go"

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