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precisely why  i am writing this is beyond me, because i have only about three wide range of people to thank even though i thank them from the very bottom of my heart.

for taekook; who most prolly appreciate me after getting over the fact that i am actually, you know, shipping them. but the real taehyung and jeongguk arent parallel to the taekook in my story. the paradox stands: the taekook in my book are real, a book which is purely fiction.

blew your mind yet?

didnt think so.

sooo yeah. thank you jeongguk and taehyung, and of course hobi, jin, yoongi, namjoon and jimin, my big bros, for existing. i love them so much it makes me tear up. ot7 all the way ♡

for the producers of the last of us; my story was heavily inspired, mainly based upon (for the most part), on what they have written. even though i took out many amazing characters in there to replace with my own, and my sceneries, my settings were way off in several chapters, i still refuse to take even a minuscule amount of credibility for this book. thank you for an amazing game, producer sirs and ma'ams. wouldnt be here if it werent for u.

and lastly, you; you, who came all the way down to this very sentence im typing out. do you know your impact? do u see how content you make me feel, knowing there is someone learning from words i wrote (albeit not from my own mind), to see you come back to my story reading your #rereading comment?

it makes my day, it truly does. and when im feeling particularly sad, i come across my comment sections of any of the stories ive written and think; there's a chance i am valued to someone, that even though im getting through a pretty terrible day, someone else who is reading to distract themselves from their troubles in life has fallen upon my book.

we might wanna wade through the stinky swamp together, so thats what i hope on. thats what keeps me going.

i hope it keeps you going too.

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