twenty-six | pushing back

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The moment Jeongguk has aquired his cherishing excess of ammo, his rationale was alone to kill the undead, how many he could.

Now, in the midst of a raging swarm of snarling zombies intending to tear his throat open, trotting in the scene endlessly, one after the other, he believed he might not have enough of what he was possessing.

Hara was nearby him, face swelled with concentration; bang, bang, bang, bang! The gunfires shook her steeled profile. He could barely be audible above this ongoing rampage and shootout, but he bellowed nevertheless, "Hara! Get behind me! Tell me if there is a back exit!" There has to be one, for why would one keep a truckload of pellets all locked up and not reckon if a decent emergency exit might pay them good?


Goddamnit, Jeongguk just didn't want to die like this. He had to escape, he had to reunite with Taehyung. Hara must be pondering the same for Namjoon, as she darts to the far back, Jeongguk's jaw taut, bearing the weigh beforehand of all to go sideways.

Years of training and experience, his aim was flawless, his stance impeccable. With every single bullet through a fungus-filled head, with every deadbody that crumbled to the floor, he began to realise that's all he has done all his life, since his brother left him. So what if he never faces Taehyung, the boy, who he loves deeply, with his mass of fluffy hair and mushy smile that crinkles the corner of his eyes and lifts his bread cheeks endearingly? Namjoon will tend to him, he'll take Taehyung under his wing.

Or will he?

No, Jeongguk's heart leapt as his posture wavered, I gotta get outta here. He directed his pistol at an advancing Clicker, but the firearm failed to function. The magazine ran out. He jabs the nozzle back in the holsters frantically and drew out the metal rod with spikes in the end that he plucked from these very shelves, swinging it straight for the brains of the beastly, nasty inhuman; squelching, blood and a thud.

The delay came undone, the horde of snapping ghouls only proliferating, Jeongguk threateningly at the verge of a drooling jaw to devour his scrumptious head off, limbs snapping at him, wails and snarls biting at his ears; one successful grab and he'd be dead meat. His arms were absolutely weary from all the thwaking and bashing, his clothes hugging his frame with the dampness of his precipitation.

A whimper escaped him: it was now or never. Another ravaged Clicker flayed amongst the mob, pushing through to charge at Jeongguk's ballsy tenor, who, within a beat, whipped out something from the side of his knapsack with his free hand, and as the Clicker rushed forward, several nails scratching at his skin, Jeongguk jabbed the grenade between the growling teeth, staggering back in the little space they were left with, bumping in of what he thought was the quivering frame of Hara herself.

A pregnant pause; then every undead viciously exploded in a thunderous ka-boom, splattering Jeongguk and Hara profusely with blood and fungal debris. At the far back, a single, demented Stalker floundered dimly, utterly baffled at the precipitous disarray.

Hara was mouthing something. Why wasn't she speaking out loud? There were no more oncoming monsters, why the precaution? She jabs a finger near her ear, takes an aim at the lone zombie and shoots it down seamlessly. The pistol doesn't make a goddamn sound -


Jeongguk staggers, heartbeat skyrocketing. He can't. He can't lose the most essential sense, he wouldn't be able to cope! His chest heaved, inhaling too deep, slapping his palms on his ears in a frenzy.

This can't be it, he chanted to himself as his eyes stung, windpipe constricting, this cannot be it. For the very first time in his life, he doesn't know what to do with himself. His nerves betrayed his body, the upsurging agitation as tremors through his recoiling anatomy.

He inserts his fingers in his ear and blew his cheeks, exhalation withheld. Pain so piercing till the cochlea he screamed in agony, hands resting on his wobbly knees.

Hara, painted red and quite traumatized, nudged Jeongguk to acknowledge her, her massive brown orbs studiously holding his gaze. She tapped her thumb at herself, then her index finger at him; and finally a firm, clasped hand, expression taut with undying grit.

Together we fist, she appeared to pronounce nonverbally.

Comprehension dawned upon him, his affixed gawp softening, limbs collectively recomposing into a steadier stance; together we combat, she meant to convey. He deviated his heed at the flakes of dust settling on the blood-caked stairs, and the concrete arching doorway leading into the inky darkness beyond.

For Taehyung and Namjoon to reconvene with these two at an unknown rendezvous, the only way forwards was, perhaps, the most deathly and dispiriting ones, ever, since this is where all the infected spilled out from. There was no "another way," here.

Even if he felt like his skull was infested with furious wasps, his mein roused to a rather tenacious fervor, rolling his extremely sore shoulders in an essay to amend his physique, wincing and hissing as a result.

On the other hand, Hara refilled her magazine, succoring to her parched mouth with her canteen and splattering her face clean with water. As Jeongguk reassembled his own assets, he perceives how there must be a lot more than this little girl let on, his own features less concealed, now.

I should tell Namjoon he shouldn't be scared for her as he is, Jeongguk thinks to himself, slanting his lips at the way Hara pouts down at her grimy outfit disapprovingly, carrying on to adjust himself best.

The dead silence, the deafening unforeseen; Hara and Jeogguk hoist their weapons up and climb the three stairs as noiselessly as they considered they were. Flashlights clicked on, illuminating the strait pathway leading on endlessly through the opening, their feet one step behind the ongoing course.

They were oblivious to it, but a blood-curdling cry emitted from the shadows within, clawing at walls in despair.

With one, last fearful look shared between the two companions, they strode forth to face their fate.



its 5am here &&
i havent slept yet
oopsie. also i
hope the chapter
wasnt boring (:
and u kinda enjoyed
it, i hope. ♡

well, guys, i missed
you, i really, absolutely
did. and i hope you
are doing ok. feel
free to tell me whats up
in the comments,
my gals.

pls know that i love you.

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