Venus Signs

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As we learnt in the last book, Venus represents Desires, Attraction, and Beauty. What the Venus sign shows about a person can be affected by a multitude of different things from Zodiac Signs, Houses and Oppositions etc. Venus is Exalted in Pisces, Fallen in Virgo, and Exiled in Aries.

Today we're going to look at how the Zodiac Signs interact with Venus.

Aries Venus - ♈︎ ♀ (Exiled)
An Aries Venus in love may be assertive, brave, and impatient. This is a placement where Mars and Venus collide, which means these people like the thrill of love. Aries Venus' have the burden of a exiled placement which means it has a hard time functioning in a chart. Natives of this placement will not have tolerance for those who are not prepared to date or at not interested in dating. An Aries Venus can be overly energetic in love and will want to move really quickly. These people may come across as overbearing because they don't understand why people like to take things slow and why some people aren't ready for relationships.

Taurus Venus - ♉︎ ♀
A Taurus Venus in love may be sensual, stable, and possessive. This is a placement in it's home planet, which means these people will find a natural flow to their love life. Natives if this placement will look for someone who can provide for them finically but also make them happy. A Taurus Venus likes to be beautiful or create beautiful items for their partner and will be very affectionate. These people may come across as controlling because they like to know about their partner and protect them from things they deem rude or unsafe.

Gemini Venus - ♊︎ ♀
A Gemini Venus in love may be flirtatious, adaptable, and inconsistent. This is a placement where Mercury and Venus collide, which means these people know a lot about themselves in love and a lot about their partners. Natives of this placement are open to a wide range of people and a wide range of relationship set ups. A Gemini Venus will be open to changing for their partner but will want someone who is open about their feelings and will allow the Venus to tell them about every aspect of their life. These people may come across as too optimistic because they are so open they may disregard red flags in hopes for new experiences.

Cancer Venus - ♋︎ ♀
A Cancer Venus in love may be sensitive, nurturing, and clingy. This is a placement where the Moon and Venus collide, which means these people will have very strong romantic feelings to someone and will stay committed for a long time. Natives of this placement prefer partners that are very expressive about their own emotions and will listen and adapt to theirs. A Cancer Venus will always be there for their partners and will be happy to sit on the side-lines as they achieve great things. These people may come across as dependant on their partners as they can be affected so much by how they treat them. 

Leo Venus - ♌︎ ♀
A Leo Venus in love may be loyal, generous, and vain. This is a placement where the Sun and Venus collide, which means these people are going to be very sure about partnerships and themselves. Natives of this placement like partners that they can show off and partners that bring them status. A Leo Venus likes to express themselves through grand acts and are most likely to give someone a movie type love. These people may come across as insecure in some relationships as they will only accept absolute loyalty. 

Virgo Venus - ♍︎ ♀ (Fallen)
A Virgo Venus in love may be methodical, stimulating, and critical. This is a placement where Mercury and Venus collide, which means these people know a lot about themselves in love and a lot about their partners. Virgo Venus' have the difficulty of a fallen placement which means it has a hard time being represented in a chart. Natives of this placement will know what they want and with who they want it, but still may date others to see if they can learn something. A Virgo Venus prefers a partner who will let them have independence and will help them improve. These people may come across as cold as they will analyse relationships to see if it will work out and bring the best benefit.

Libra Venus - ♎︎ ♀ 
A Libra Venus in love may be romantic, charming, and docile. This is a placement in it's home planet, which means these people will find a natural flow to their love life. Natives of this placement will desire true love in it's purest form and will somehow always know what to do or say to make a partner feel fuzzy inside. A Libra Venus prefers a partner who will let them lead the romantic venture, but not concern them in practical measures. These people may come across as self-sabotaging as they will allow themselves to be in toxic relationships in the name of love.

Scorpio Venus - ♏︎ ♀
A Scorpio Venus in love may be passionate, private, and jealous. This is a placement where Mars and Venus collide, which means these people like the thrill of love. Natives of this placement will seek a partner who wants a thrilling relationship but also is very loyal and private. A Scorpio Venus may attract many people, but they are actually very selective about their partners. These people may come across as envious as they are very hurt by betrayal and don't want to feel like a fool.

Sagittarius Venus - ♐︎ ♀
A Sagittarius Venus in love may be light-hearted, appreciative, and self-centred. This is a placement where Jupiter and Venus collide, which means these people are likely to find a wide range of people they love. Native's of this placement will see relationships as fluid and will not deny that they like a wide range of people other than their partner. A Sagittarius Venus is always in awe of beauty and will always compliment people that they find pretty. These people may come across as self-centred because they may not take into account their partners feelings when being so open about attraction. 

Capricorn Venus - ♑︎ ♀
A Capricorn Venus in love may be practical, reserved, and picky. This is a placement where Saturn and Venus collide, which means these people are going to see the advantages and disadvantages of partners. Native's of this placement will find a partner who makes them feel generally happy, even if it isn't the most passionate love. A Capricorn Venus will choose to spoil their partner in monetary ways and will try to intellectually stimulate them. These people may come across as pessimistic in love as they don't care about all the fantastical things in love. 

Aquarius Venus - ♒︎ ♀
An Aquarius Venus in love may be tolerant, understanding, and detached. This is a placement where Saturn and Venus collide, which means these people are going to see the advantages and disadvantages of partners. Native's of this placement may know they have feelings for someone but not approach them if they are not fully sure about the success of a relationship. An Aquarius Venus may find it hard to find someone who is willing to adapt to them but keep a certain uniqueness about them. These people may come across as unromantic because they don't see the purpose in all the love talk and gestures.

Pisces Venus - ♓︎ ♀ (Exalted)
A Pisces Venus in love may be charming, empathetic, and unrealistic. This is a placement where Neptune and Venus collide, which means these people are going to have a fantasy inspired love with a sense of mystery as to who its designed for. Pisces Venus' have the pleasure of being an exalted placement which means it is held above others in a chart. Native's of this placement may look for a partner who is polar opposites as they like somebody who is new to them. A Pisces Venus will get caught up in the romance of relationships that they forget there has to be some practicality. These people may come across as delusional because they don't see that some people aren't right for them, and they can't fix anybody.

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