Saturn Signs

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As we learnt in the last book, Saturn represents Restriction, Pessimistic, and Antagonism. What the Saturn signs shows about a person can be affected by a multitude of different things from Zodiac Signs, Houses and Oppositions etc. Saturn is Exalted in Libra, Fallen in Aries, and Exiled in Leo.

Today we're going to look at how the Zodiac Signs interact with Saturn.

Aries Saturn - ♈︎ ♄ (Fallen)
An Aries Saturn will feel restricted with partnerships and marriages. This is a placement where Mars and Saturn collide, which means these people may have the potential to be extremely volatile. Aries Saturn's have the difficulty of a fallen placement which means it has a hard time being represented in a chart. Natives of this placement may have a lot of volatility in marriages and relationships which will impact them. An Aries Saturn may struggle with knowing when to hold back and just let comments slide. These people will need to become more comfortable with themselves in order to see more success with partnerships.

Taurus Saturn - ♉︎ ♄
A Taurus Saturn will feel restricted with how their partners support them. This is a placement where Venus and Saturn collide, which means these people may have the potential to be extremely vain and judgemental. Natives of this placement may have a lot of volatility with how romantic partners treat them, and what they are getting back from the. A Taurus Saturn may struggle with knowing how much energy and resources they should put into people and resources. These people will need to learn what is worth their time in order to see fair partnerships.

Gemini Saturn - ♊︎ ♄
A Gemini Saturn will feel restricted with achieving academic success and spiritual peace. This is a placement where Mercury and Saturn collide, which means these people have the potential to be very hurtful and immoral with their words. Natives of this placement may have a lot of volatility with systems such as school and religion/belief systems. A Gemini Saturn may struggle with being confident in their spiritual or academic path, and may become annoyed at conventional systems because they believe it is the only path to success. These people will need to learn what thinking patterns are good for them to see success or comfortability in higher realms.

Cancer Saturn - ♋︎ ♄
A Cancer Saturn will feel restricted with public image. This is a placement where the Moon and Saturn collide, which means these people have the potential to have out of control moods which lead them in everything. Natives of this placement have a lot of volatility with how they are perceived with other people, especially people in their family. A Cancer Saturn may have had a difficult relationship with their mother which causes them to rebel anytime they feel a powerful emotion. These people will need to learn that they are separate from their family in order to work and manage their emotions.

Leo Saturn - ♌︎ ♄ (Exiled)
A Leo Saturn will feel restricted by friends and dreams. This is a placement where the Sun and Saturn collide, which means these people have the potential to become very arrogant. Leo Saturn's have the burden of a exiled placement which means it has a hard time functioning in a chart. Natives of this placement have a lot of volatility with authority and the amount of freedom they have. A Leo Saturn may know they have a lot of talent or potential but don't know how to express it and instead resort to blaming figures who manage them. These people will need to learn that they are responsible for actions and emotions to be able to have healthy friend groups and achieve the heights they know they can.

Virgo Saturn - ♍︎ ♄
A Virgo Saturn will feel restricted by mental realms. This is a placement where Mercury and Saturn collide, which means these people have the potential to be very hurtful and immoral with their words. Natives of this placement have a lot of volatility with how they treat themselves and how well they are doing mentally or emotionally. A Virgo Saturn will love to help others, but will sometimes fail to recognise or acknowledge they need help themselves. These people will need to learn how to take care of themselves mentally as well as physically in order to lead a healthy life.

Libra Saturn - ♎︎ ♄ (Exalted)
A Libra Saturn will feel restricted by their physical body. This is a placement where Venus and Saturn collide, which means these people may have the potential to be extremely vain and judgemental. Libra Saturn's have the pleasure of being an exalted placement which means it is held above others in a chart. Natives of this placement have a lot of volatility with how comfortable they are in their own body. A Libra Saturn may go out of the way to make themselves feel prettier and ignore other factors such as emotional wellbeing, friends and family. These people will need to learn their self-worth in order to see balance within their lives.

Scorpio Saturn - ♏︎ ♄
A Scorpio Saturn will feel restricted by material possessions. This is a placement where Mars and Saturn collide, which means these people may have the potential to be extremely volatile. Natives of this placement may become so obsessed with money or estates that they become snobbish. A Scorpio Saturn may struggle with holding onto this wealth too as changes come and affect their life. These people will need to learn how to find depth in their life and appreciate the little things as well as the more lucrative.

Sagittarius Saturn - ♐︎ ♄
A Sagittarius Saturn will feel restricted by travel and communication. This is a placement where Jupiter and Saturn collide, which means these people have the potential to be very contradictory. Natives of this placement may have a lot of volatility with their day-to-day circumstances and may accumulate a sense of hatred to it, but still be loyal. A Sagittarius Saturn may feel as though they are are going nowhere and are constantly as a stationary point in their life. These people will need to learn how to be at terms with their day-to-day lives in order to be able to escape it. 

Capricorn Saturn - ♑︎ ♄
A Capricorn Saturn will feel restricted by family. This is a placement in it's home planet, which means these people will know their boundaries and easily figure out how to work with them. Natives of this placement may have a lot of volatility in their home life and childhood. A Capricorn Saturn may misjudge how to react in situations because of their past. These people will need to learn if the ends justify the means in order to find peace and success within their lives. 

Aquarius Saturn - ♒︎ ♄
An Aquarius Saturn will feel restricted by pleasure. This is a placement in it's home planet, which means these people will know their boundaries and easily figure out how to work with them. Natives of this placement may have a lot of volatility when they focus on themselves. An Aquarius Saturn may feel as though understanding themselves isn't worth it and they should just focus on logical means. These people will need to learn how to understand themselves in all it's ways in order to find success.

Pisces Saturn - ♓︎ ♄
A Pisces Saturn will feel restricted by health. This is a placement in where Neptune and Saturn collide, which means these people will struggle to identify what things are restricting them. Native's of this placement may have a lot of volatility with their luck and may receive a lot of bad fortune.  A Pisces Saturn will have a desire to expand and do great things but will not see what things are stopping getting them there, and will not plan for those points. These people will need to learn how to plan for the bad in order to enjoy the good and not become overly cautious.

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