Chapter Twenty-two - Sam

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We walked down towards the valley our bellies full of rabbit joking along the way when I stopped in my tracks peering down towards the valley

"Josh, you hear that"

"no, I don't hear anything"

He was probably right, my ears where more sensitive than humans, but I could hear it alright and it was getting closer.

"Josh, we need to run... fucking run"

I pulled his arm as we headed away from the sanctuary walls, we had gotten so close too, the parking lot literally just around the corner.

We ran through the ploughed field, which was lumpy under foot glancing over our shoulders, Josh still confused what we were running from, but he was keeping up with me and trusting what I told him

Then we saw them, thirty or forty zombies running around the wall seemingly trying to get into the sanctuary when they saw us.

One or two snapped their heads our way before somehow alerting the others and they all scrambled for position and to get to us first, some falling in the field furrows, but their pace was relentless, and they were gaining on us.

Josh could run fast, as fast as I could, but it wasn't enough, this was an open field with no obstacles for them to get caught up on, the furrows were helping a little but not enough.

I remembered back to the alleyways in the village where I managed to get an advantage on every corner and every turn but here that was impossible.

"the Barn" I cried out pointing to a stone hay barn, its lower half completely empty and looked like it was used for sheep lambing, we had similar on our farm.

Above the open area was a hay loft with a wooden ladder propped up against it.

The zombies were now a mere half a field away from us as we approached the barn, I pushed josh towards the ladder, "you first" he scowled at me reluctantly going, it didn't matter who went first he just needed to get the fuck up ladder and quick.

I followed just below his feet the rickety ladder wobbling with our movements, josh climbed over the top of the ladder and reached for my arm grabbing it, I grabbed onto his wrist and arm to help me up the last part of the ladder just as the zombie horde crashed into the bottom of the ladder my feet dropping without the support and my legs now dangling in the air while the zombies clawed at my them.

"Sam" he shouted grunting and nearly pulling my arm out of its socket, I got my other arm above the lip of the floor struggling to grip with my legs just dangling in the air making contact with the zombies outstretched hands among a symphony of growls and snapping teeth.

I managed to swing my leg up and get myself onto the upper floor of the hay loft and rolled onto my back panting rapidly.

"thanks" I managed between breaths

"I guess we're even now" he smiled

"I guess" I managed still breathing heavily my backpack's contents now jabbing me in the back.

The hay loft hand three stone walls with an open front, an extended slate roof and wooden upper floor, there were many hay bales neatly packed under the slate roof covering, harvested in the spring as winter feed for sheep.

I pointed to the bales "we should move some of those and get further in.... out of sight" I panted as the zombies growled in frustration at their meal just sat above them.

"thank fuck they cant climb" josh said equally out of breath, I had never run so fast, but my elation was soon bought crashing down to earth when I started thinking how are we going to get out of this, a worried look crossed Josh's face.

I smiled hiding my emotion, "dude, they will fuck off in a bit, we've just got to be quiet and hold out, come on give me a hand" I said moving some bales out the way creating a visual wall on the edge of the shelter, and a new little den inside the hay bales.

I used to make dens in the hay bales as a kid all the time, it was one of the things my friends used to love doing and would always beg to come on the farm and mess about in the hay lofts making dens.

My dad would go wild when he found them as we messed up his packing system and often disturbed the tightly packed hay bales getting hay everywhere.

I missed my dad...

I shook the thought away and continued moving the bales directing Josh into the newly made den.

I took my backpack off and set it down at the side, putting my fingers to my lips "shhh" I whispered as quietly as possible sitting down my back up against the hay, Josh taking a seat next to me.

We sat in silence for hours trying to communicate through hand signals, which at times I had to stifle a laugh and look the other way for 5 minutes to compose myself thanks to Josh's ridiculous hand gestures, and his chicken impression which I'm sure he was just doing to make me smile.

It was getting dark and cold, the zombies in question had quieted down, I peered over and there were less but still too many, I had 3 bolts and Josh 2 arrows, we were hardly armed for this many even if we wanted to pick them off from here.

I held some digits up indicating there were 8 left, some of the group had wandered further from the loft and were slowly sniffing out other victims or searching other places I assumed.

"what if they never go" Josh whispered into my ear, the zombies didn't flinch so maybe this noise level was ok, "they will eventually" I whispered back

The sun set over the valley beyond and the cold air followed closely, in the night sky I could hear an owl which had another zombie interested in it, but it just flew off every time it got close, but thankfully it was one less zombie down there, perhaps by morning they would be gone.

I reached into my bag quietly and pulled out the whiskey, it doesn't actually warm you up, but it would feel warm drinking it.

I offered Josh the bottle who shook his head, I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip from the bottle smiling.

Josh then held his hand out and followed suit.

We sat sipping whiskey in the quiet for a while just chatting about nonsense in hushed whispers, the occasional growl coming from our new neighbours downstairs, I wasn't a big drinker by no means so it wasn't long before I felt a little tipsy, Josh also had a glow about him and was smiling happily, he leaned in and whispered "I really need a wee"

"thanks, I really wanted to know that"

"well I guess it is interesting stuff, but like where" he gestured with his hands as I pointed towards the back corner

He took his shoes off and tiptoed over to the corner urinating onto some of the haystacks far away from us.

He tiptoed back and sat next to me, his shoulder pressed into mine and his eyes looking directly at me, it was late and the whiskey made me feel tired, but even in the darkness I couldn't help but notice Josh's beauty

I could sense his presence and I longed to lean in and kiss him, but I promised him I wouldn't, I leaned into his ear instead, "good night Josh"

I curled up on the hard-wooden floor facing the hay wall we created, Josh lay on his back next to me, "good night Sam" he whispered back his hand brushing onto my side.
"That's not fair Josh" I said moving his hand away and he seemed to drift off to sleep.

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